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RDNYC WordPress Bootstrap 5/PurgeCSS Theme

The WordPress theme for recoverydharma.org, based on Webpack 5, Bootstrap 5, and some development conveniences.

Originally forked from WP 73k, itself forked from WP Tailwind

Development Requirements

How to get started

  1. Clone or download the project into your themes directory (./wp-content/themes)
  2. Run composer install
  3. Run npm install if developing
  4. Run npm run watch to begin watching & rebuilding for development, npm run dev for simple dev build, npm run prod for a production build, or npm run build to build both dev & prod concurrently.



Images placed in assets/images will be copied to dist/images -- however, SVGs can be optimized by placing them in assets/raw and importing them in main.js, e.g.:

import '../raw/rdnyc-logo.svg';

This will output an optimized version to dist/images with svg- prefix; these can be used per below:

Using optimized SVGs

SVG images can be implemented two ways:

  • A normal <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri() . '/dist/images/svg-roll-mandala.svg'; ?>" ... > tag
    • This cannot be colored but preserves SVG styling
    • Since resource is loaded separately, it can be cached.
  • An inline SVG using the inline_svg( $svg_name, $atts ) function in custom-functions.php -- see that file for supported $atts array keys.
    • This can be colored from parent element
    • SVG class requires {{class-placeholder}} for 'svg_class' $atts key to work
    • Since resource is inline, cannot be cached.