
68 lines
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- [X] ~~*fork*~~ [2021-07-02]
- [X] ~~*rebrand*~~ [2021-07-02]
- [X] ~~*initial updating of node modules/webpack*~~ [2021-07-02]
- [X] ~~*replace tailwind with bootstrap*~~ [2021-07-03]
- [X] ~~*initial webpack config for development*~~ [2021-07-04]
- [X] ~~*add font handling if possible*~~ [2021-07-04]
- [X] ~~*add svg sprite handling if possible*~~ [2021-07-04]
- [X] ~~*svg theme function?*~~ [2021-07-06]
- [X] ~~*navbar menu*~~ [2021-07-06]
- [X] ~~*navbar hamburger mobile toggler*~~ [2021-07-06]
- [X] ~~*pore through template files to update theming*~~ [2021-07-08]
- [X] ~~*initial front-page.php*~~ [2021-07-06]
- [X] ~~*create social-icons working for front page*~~ [2021-07-06]
- [X] ~~*create About page and suitable page.php for it & other generic pages*~~ [2021-07-06]
- [X] ~~*create some blog entries*~~ [2021-07-06]
- [X] ~~*properly incorporate favicons (meta links etc)*~~ [2021-07-07]
- [X] ~~*include pubkey asc file, others??*~~ [2021-07-07]
- [X] ~~*purgecss/webpack config for production*~~ [2021-07-07]
- [X] ~~*clear dist folder and test building again*~~ [2021-07-07]
- [X] ~~*continue blog work*~~ [2021-07-08]
- [X] ~~*confirm content-article.php ok for multi-post blog page index listing*~~ [2021-07-08]
- [X] ~~*single-post blog post view?*~~ [2021-07-08]
- [X] ~~*MOVE TO MCCOY/DEV1 WORDPRESS (1.5.8 RC1 ?)*~~ [2021-07-08]
- [X] ~~*create Resume page*~~ [2021-07-09]
- [X] ~~*reconfigured social icons to allow filtering to professional icons*~~ [2021-07-09]
- [X] ~~*also allowing 'social_icons' shortcode for inserting social icons from wp editor*~~ [2021-07-09]
- [X] ~~*implement resume separator content*~~ [2021-07-09]
- [X] ~~*implement resume content ... and update?*~~ [2021-07-09]
- [X] ~~*re-do Front Page as content from within WP?*~~ [2021-07-09]
- [X] ~~*using 'featured image' or some such?*~~ [2021-07-09]
- [X] ~~*using shortcode for social icons?*~~ [2021-07-09]
- [X] ~~*SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING PLUGIN*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*wrapping lines now? how to ensure nowrap?*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*add remaining content*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*blog pagination?*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*footer 'sidebar' (blog-only)?*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*date archives?*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*tag archives?*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*search?*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*meta? etc?*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*sidebar.php ??*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*search field up top somewhere?*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*search.php ??*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*404.php*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*NGINX SNIPPETS - bring in for testing!*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*nginx 404 handling?*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [X] ~~*nginx 50x handling! - nginx purposefully generate 505 errors somehow?*~~ [2021-07-10]
- [ ] double-check npm run build output to ensure it's all working
- [ ] disable WP/SCRIPT DEBUG
- [ ] ...
- [ ] content/settings (db export?)
- [ ] nginx config w/special root files
- [ ] Plugins for security and optimization
- [ ] jetpack? markdown from that one?
- [ ] caching? lighthouse report (cat-roof webp, woff2 fonts)
- [ ] [info](https://wordpress.org/support/article/optimization/#browser-caching)
- [ ] comments.php & article post handling (form, styling, etc?)
- [ ] comments? discussion?
- [ ] indieweb stuff?
- [ ] use wordpress for filebrowser login auth?
- [ ] Portfolio: just a blog category view of project blog posts?
- [ ] figure out Search
- [ ] Recipes & trip logs w/images? Videos?
- [ ] add some code/notes posts of things I've learned?
- [ ] other ideas?