
1.9 KiB

73k WordPress Bootstrap 5/PurgeCSS Theme

The WordPress theme for 73k.us, based on Bootstrap 5 and PurgeCSS.


How to get started

  1. Clone or download the project onto your themes directory (./wp-content/themes)
  2. Run a find/replace for the following strings:
  • wp-73k
  • WP_73k
  • wp_73k_
  1. Run composer install
  2. Run npm install
  3. Update the BrowserSyncPlugin configuration in webpack.config.js to the domain of your local installation.
  4. Run npm start to begin development server.


The theme uses Webpack as its bundler with ES6 modules for JavaScript files. It also compresses images found in src automatically, and maps images to the appropriate destination through the @images alias. For example, @images/example.jpg would be compiled to ../images/example.jpg.


The sass for the hamburgers package throws warnings unless fixed:

npm i -g sass-migrator
cd node_modules/hamburgers
find  _sass/hamburgers/ -type f | while read f; do npx sass-migrator division -d ${f}; done
cd ../..


npm run build

This will run both a production and development set of webpack tasks. The enqueue hook will load the correct version of the JS file, based on whether your development/staging server's SCRIPT_DEBUG constant is set to true.


You can customize Bootstrap SCSS & JavaScript imports in the assets/css/app.scss and assets/js/main.js files.


WP 73k uses PurgeCSS to remove unused styles from the production build. It scans your project directory for strings that match SCSS declarations. You can modify the directories to search for in the webpack.config.js file. Always check your production build to make sure styles you were developing with compiled correctly.