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%{ title: "RSS Feed When Using Elixir Phoenix LiveView", id: "rss-feed-elixir-phoenix-liveview", date: ~N[2021-04-07 12:31:00], author: "Adam Piontek", tags: ~w(tech elixir phoenix liveview coding routing rss feed development) }

While re-implementing my website in elixir/phoenix, I wanted to include an RSS feed for the blog posts. Luckily I found pretty much everything I needed in Daniel Wachtel's Building an RSS Feed with Phoenix post, but since I'm making use of LiveView, I ran into one hiccup --- errors about a missing root.xml layout!

LiveView changes how Phoenix handles layouts --- there's a root.html.leex layout, and then for live views, a live.html.leex sub-layout, and for regular controller views, an app.html.eex sub-layout.

Without LiveView, Daniel's controller directive plug :put_layout, false{:.lang-elixir} would be enough, but with LiveView, Phoenix is still looking for the root layout template, which for my index.html would be root.xml ... what to do?

One option would be to create a whole separate router pipeline to skip the plug :put_root_layout, {Home73kWeb.LayoutView, :root}{:.lang-elixir} directive. It would work, but is a heavier approach.

But luckily, there's a new put_root_layout/2 that we can leverage like so:

defmodule YourAppWeb.RSSController do
  use YourAppWeb, :controller
  plug :put_layout, false
  plug :put_root_layout, false


With this in place, the rss xml is served plain, just like we want.