# RDNYC WordPress Bootstrap 5/PurgeCSS Theme The WordPress theme for recoverydharma.org, based on Webpack 5, Bootstrap 5, and some development conveniences. Originally forked from [WP 73k](https://github.com/apiontek/wp-73k/), itself forked from [WP Tailwind](https://github.com/cjkoepke/wp-tailwind) ## Development Requirements - [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org) - [Composer](https://getcomposer.org) ### How to get started 1. Clone or download the project into your `themes` directory (`./wp-content/themes`) 2. Run `composer install` 3. Run `npm install` if developing 4. Set environment variables for BrowserSyncPlugin to the domain/ports you need (see `webpack.config.js` for variables needed). 5. Run `npm run start` to begin development server, `npm run dev` for simple dev build, `npm run prod` for a production build, or `npm run build` to build both dev & prod concurrently. ### SVGs #### Optimization Images placed in `assets/images` will be copied to `dist/images` -- however, SVGs can be optimized by placing them in `assets/raw` and importing them in `main.js`, e.g.: ```js import '../raw/rdnyc-logo.svg'; ``` This will output an optimized version to `dist/images` with `svg-` prefix; these can be used per below: #### Using optimized SVGs SVG images can be implemented two ways: - A normal `` tag - This cannot be colored but preserves SVG styling - Since resource is loaded separately, it can be cached. - An inline SVG using the `inline_svg( $svg_name, $atts )` function in `custom-functions.php` -- see that file for supported `$atts` array keys. - This can be colored from parent element - SVG class requires `{{class-placeholder}}` for 'svg_class' `$atts` key to work - Since resource is inline, cannot be cached.