#tsml { .form-control { background-color: $input-bg; border: 1px solid $primary; &::-ms-clear, &::-ms-reveal { display: none; } &::-webkit-input-placeholder, /* WebKit, Blink, Edge */ &:-ms-input-placeholder, /* Internet Explorer 10-11 */ &::-ms-input-placeholder, /* Microsoft Edge */ &::placeholder /* Most modern browsers support this now. */ { color: shade-color($primary, 45%) !important; } &:-moz-placeholder, /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */ &::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */ color: shade-color($primary, 45%) !important; opacity: 1; } } & .btn, & .btn a { text-decoration: none !important; } .btn.btn-default, a.btn.btn-default { color: $spaceblue-800; background-color: $primary; border: 1px solid $primary; &:hover { @extend .btn-primary, :hover; } &.toggle-view { color: $primary; background-color: $dark; border: 1px solid $primary; &:hover { color: $pagination-hover-color; background-color: $pagination-hover-bg; border: 1px solid $primary; } &.active { color: $dark; background-color: $primary; border: 1px solid $primary; box-shadow: none !important; &:hover { color: $dark; background-color: $primary; border: 1px solid $primary; box-shadow: none !important; } } } } .dropdown-menu { @extend .dropdown-menu; @extend .dropdown-menu-dark; .divider { background-color: $dropdown-dark-divider-bg; } } .dropdown-menu > li > a { @extend .dropdown-item; color: $gray-300 !important; } .dropdown-menu > li.active > a, .dropdown-menu > li.active > a:hover { color: $dropdown-dark-link-active-color !important; background-color: $dropdown-dark-link-active-bg !important; } .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover { color: $dropdown-dark-link-hover-color !important; background-color: $dropdown-dark-link-hover-bg !important; } } // for some reason this needs to be outside of the above styling #tsml { #meetings { .results { @extend .mt-3; table { @extend .table; @extend .table-dark; @extend .table-striped; thead { th { padding: $table-cell-padding-y $table-cell-padding-x !important; } } tbody { tr { @include media-breakpoint-down(md) { background-color: $dark; border-color: $spaceblue-600; } } } } } } } #tsml .table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-of-type(2n+1), #tsml #meetings .results table > tbody > tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) { background-color: var(--bs-table-bg) !important; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px var(--bs-table-accent-bg); // @include media-breakpoint-down(md) { // background-color: var(--bs-table-bg) !important; // } } #tsml #meetings .results table tbody tr.attendance-online .region, #tsml #meetings .results table tbody tr.attendance-inactive .region { opacity: inherit; } #tsml #meetings .results table tbody tr.attendance-online .location small { color: $success; } #tsml #meetings .results table tbody tr.attendance-inactive .location small { color: $danger; } #tsml #meetings .results { .alert { @extend .alert; } .alert-primary { @extend .alert-primary; } .alert-secondary { @extend .alert-secondary; } .alert-success { @extend .alert-success; } .alert-danger { @extend .alert-danger; } .alert-warning { @extend .alert-warning; } .alert-info { @extend .alert-info; } .alert-light { @extend .alert-light; } .alert-dark { @extend .alert-dark; } } #tsml .page-header { border-bottom-color: $spaceblue-600 !important; border-bottom-style: dashed !important; } #tsml { .panel { @extend .card; background-color: shade-color($gray-800, 50%) !important; color: $body-color !important; &.panel-default { ul { &.list-group { @extend .list-group; @extend .list-group-flush; background-color: shade-color($gray-800, 50%) !important; color: $body-color !important; li, a { &.list-group-item { @extend .list-group-item; @extend .list-group-item-dark; background-color: shade-color($gray-800, 50%) !important; color: $body-color !important; &.meeting-info { ul { li { hr { border-color: $spaceblue-300; } } } } } .list-group-item-heading { color: $text-muted; } } } } .panel-heading { @extend .card-body; background-color: shade-color($gray-800, 50%) !important; padding: 1rem 1rem .5rem 1rem !important; .panel-title { @extend .card-title; background-color: inherit !important; } } } } } #tsml #meeting a.btn.btn-default { @extend .btn; @extend .btn-outline-primary; @extend .btn-sm; color: $primary !important; margin-bottom: .25rem !important; // background-color: $spaceblue-900 !important; // border: 1px solid $primary !important; svg.icon { height: 1em; width: 1em; top: -0.15em; position: relative; } &:hover { color: $spaceblue-800 !important; background-color: $primary !important; // @extend .btn, :hover; // @extend .btn-primary, :hover; } } #tsml #meeting .panel.panel-expandable.expanded .panel-heading { border-color: $spaceblue-700 !important; } #tsml #meeting #feedback .panel .list-group .list-group-item button { @extend .btn; @extend .btn-primary; @extend .btn-sm; }