
42 lines
1.2 KiB

* Kickoff theme setup and build
namespace WP_73k;
define( 'WP_73k_VERSION', wp_get_theme()->version );
define( 'WP_73k_DIR', __DIR__ );
define( 'WP_73k_URL', get_template_directory_uri() );
* Function to support inline SVG icons by name with div wrapper
function svg_icon_use($icon_name, $div_class) {
$output = "<div class=\"$div_class $icon_name\"><svg class=\"$icon_name\" aria-hidden=\"true\">";
$output .= "<use xlink:href=\"" . get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/dist/images/icon-sprites.svg#$icon_name\"></use>";
return $output . "</svg></div>";
* Social helpers
require_once( WP_73k_DIR . '/socials.php' );
function socials_str($socials) {
$out_str = '<div id="social-icons" class="mt-1">';
foreach ($socials as $i=>$social) {
$pad = $i == 0 ? 'pe-1' : ($i == (count($socials) - 1) ? 'ps-1' : 'px-1');
$out_str .= '<a href="' . $social['url'] . '" rel="noreferrer" target="' . $social['target'];
$out_str .= '" class="fs-3 link-light text-decoration-none ' . $pad . '">';
$out_str .= svg_icon_use($social['icon'], "icon baseline") . "</a>";
return $out_str . '</div>';
* Autoloader for browersync
require_once( WP_73k_DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php' );
\A7\autoload( __DIR__ . '/src' );