# TODO - [X] ~~*fork*~~ [2021-07-02] - [X] ~~*rebrand*~~ [2021-07-02] - [X] ~~*initial updating of node modules/webpack*~~ [2021-07-02] - [X] ~~*replace tailwind with bootstrap*~~ [2021-07-03] - [X] ~~*initial webpack config for development*~~ [2021-07-04] - [X] ~~*add font handling if possible*~~ [2021-07-04] - [X] ~~*add svg sprite handling if possible*~~ [2021-07-04] - [ ] svg theme function? - [ ] navbar menu - [ ] navbar hamburger mobile toggler - [ ] properly incorporate favicons (meta links etc) - [ ] pore through template files to update theming - [ ] purgecss/webpack config for production - [ ] double-check npm run build output to ensure it's all working - [ ] ... - [ ] profit!