<?php require_once( WP_73k_DIR . '/socials.php' ); /** * Shortcode to insert line of social icons */ function social_icons_function( $atts = array() ) { // set up default parameter extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'prof' => '0' ), $atts)); if ($prof == '1') { return get_social_icons_prof_str(); } else { return get_social_icons_str(); } } add_shortcode('social_icons', 'social_icons_function'); /** * Shortcode to insert single social icon by name * However, social icon MUST be imported in main.js ! */ function single_social_icon_function( $atts = array() ) { // set up default parameter extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'name' => '0', 'class' => 'icon baseline' ), $atts)); if ($name == '0') { return 'social_icon shortcode requires "name" parameter, like "name=mdi-account"'; } else { return inline_svg( $name, array( 'div_class' => $class ) ); } } add_shortcode('social_icon', 'single_social_icon_function'); ?>