import "./style.scss"; import Alpine from "alpinejs"; // import 'bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap'"helloilove", () => ({ message: "I ❤️ Alpine", }));"cardsInputForm", () => ({ // "constants" for validation etc suits: [], ranks: [], deck: [], minCards: 34, stockCount: 24, peaksCount: 28, onInit() { this.suits = "CDHS".split(""); this.ranks = "A23456789TJQK".split(""); this.deck = this.suits.flatMap((suit) => { return => { return cval + suit; }); }); console.log(this.deck.join(", ")); console.log(`deck size: ${this.deck.length}`); }, // input validation inputValue: "", validCards: [], dupedCards: [], invalidCards: [], validMessages: [], invalidMessages: [], cardsToSolve: [], get isFormValid() { return this.isValidCardsLengthInRange && this.invalidMessages.length === 0; }, get isValidCardsLengthTooSmall() { return this.validCards.length < this.minCards; }, get isValidCardsLengthTooBig() { return this.validCards.length > this.deck.length; }, get isValidCardsLengthInRange() { return !this.isValidCardsLengthTooSmall && !this.isValidCardsLengthTooBig; }, validateCardsInput(event) { // reset arrays and parse the input this.validCards = []; this.invalidCards = []; this.dupedCards = []; this.validMessages = []; this.invalidMessages = []; let userCards = .toUpperCase() .split(" ") .filter((c) => c); // check the input userCards.forEach((card) => { if (card === "0") { // user marking a slot with an unknown card this.validCards.push(card); } else if (this.validCards.includes(card)) { // this card was already seen in user's input, now it's a duplicate this.dupedCards.push(card); } else if (this.deck.includes(card)) { // not a duplicate, and in the reference deck? Valid, add to valid cards this.validCards.push(card); } else { // not a dupe, but not in reference deck: invalid, add to invalid cards this.invalidCards.push(card); } }); // set validation messages based on length if (this.isValidCardsLengthTooSmall) { this.invalidMessages.push(`Must enter at least ${this.minCards} cards`); } else if (this.isValidCardsLengthTooBig) { this.invalidMessages.push( `Must not enter more than ${this.deck.length} cards` ); } if (this.validCards.slice(this.validCards.length - 34).includes("0")) { this.invalidMessages.push( `Stock + bottom row (last 34 cards) must not contain unknown ('0') cards` ); } // set other validation messages if (this.dupedCards.length > 0) { let s = this.dupedCards.length > 1 ? "s" : ""; this.invalidMessages.push( `${this.dupedCards.length} duplicate card${s}: ${this.dupedCards.join( " " )}` ); } if (this.invalidCards.length > 0) { let s = this.invalidCards.length > 1 ? "s" : ""; this.invalidMessages.push( `${this.invalidCards.length} invalid card${s}: ${this.invalidCards.join( " " )}` ); } if (this.validCards.length > 0) { let s = this.validCards.length > 1 ? "s" : ""; this.validMessages.push( `${this.validCards.length} valid card${s}: ${this.validCards.join(" ")}` ); } if (" ")) { this.invalidMessages.push("Too many spaces between cards"); } // set the game cards to try solving, based on current input this.cardsToSolve = Array(this.deck.length - this.validCards.length) .fill(0) .concat(this.validCards) .map((c) => (c === "0" ? 0 : c)); }, })); window.Alpine = Alpine; Alpine.start();