/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ "use strict"; const RuntimeGlobals = require("../RuntimeGlobals"); const RuntimeModule = require("../RuntimeModule"); const Template = require("../Template"); const JavascriptModulesPlugin = require("../javascript/JavascriptModulesPlugin"); const { getUndoPath } = require("../util/identifier"); class AutoPublicPathRuntimeModule extends RuntimeModule { constructor() { super("publicPath", RuntimeModule.STAGE_BASIC); } /** * @returns {string} runtime code */ generate() { const { compilation } = this; const { scriptType, importMetaName, path } = compilation.outputOptions; const chunkName = compilation.getPath( JavascriptModulesPlugin.getChunkFilenameTemplate( this.chunk, compilation.outputOptions ), { chunk: this.chunk, contentHashType: "javascript" } ); const undoPath = getUndoPath(chunkName, path, false); return Template.asString([ "var scriptUrl;", scriptType === "module" ? `if (typeof ${importMetaName}.url === "string") scriptUrl = ${importMetaName}.url` : Template.asString([ `if (${RuntimeGlobals.global}.importScripts) scriptUrl = ${RuntimeGlobals.global}.location + "";`, `var document = ${RuntimeGlobals.global}.document;`, "if (!scriptUrl && document) {", Template.indent([ `if (document.currentScript)`, Template.indent(`scriptUrl = document.currentScript.src`), "if (!scriptUrl) {", Template.indent([ 'var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");', "if(scripts.length) scriptUrl = scripts[scripts.length - 1].src" ]), "}" ]), "}" ]), "// When supporting browsers where an automatic publicPath is not supported you must specify an output.publicPath manually via configuration", '// or pass an empty string ("") and set the __webpack_public_path__ variable from your code to use your own logic.', 'if (!scriptUrl) throw new Error("Automatic publicPath is not supported in this browser");', 'scriptUrl = scriptUrl.replace(/#.*$/, "").replace(/\\?.*$/, "").replace(/\\/[^\\/]+$/, "/");', !undoPath ? `${RuntimeGlobals.publicPath} = scriptUrl;` : `${RuntimeGlobals.publicPath} = scriptUrl + ${JSON.stringify( undoPath )};` ]); } } module.exports = AutoPublicPathRuntimeModule;