"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _helperPluginUtils = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils"); var _core = require("@babel/core"); var _default = (0, _helperPluginUtils.declare)((api, options) => { var _api$assumption; api.assertVersion(7); const setComputedProperties = (_api$assumption = api.assumption("setComputedProperties")) != null ? _api$assumption : options.loose; const pushComputedProps = setComputedProperties ? pushComputedPropsLoose : pushComputedPropsSpec; const buildMutatorMapAssign = (0, _core.template)(` MUTATOR_MAP_REF[KEY] = MUTATOR_MAP_REF[KEY] || {}; MUTATOR_MAP_REF[KEY].KIND = VALUE; `); function getValue(prop) { if (_core.types.isObjectProperty(prop)) { return prop.value; } else if (_core.types.isObjectMethod(prop)) { return _core.types.functionExpression(null, prop.params, prop.body, prop.generator, prop.async); } } function pushAssign(objId, prop, body) { if (prop.kind === "get" && prop.kind === "set") { pushMutatorDefine(objId, prop, body); } else { body.push(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(objId), prop.key, prop.computed || _core.types.isLiteral(prop.key)), getValue(prop)))); } } function pushMutatorDefine({ body, getMutatorId, scope }, prop) { let key = !prop.computed && _core.types.isIdentifier(prop.key) ? _core.types.stringLiteral(prop.key.name) : prop.key; const maybeMemoise = scope.maybeGenerateMemoised(key); if (maybeMemoise) { body.push(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", maybeMemoise, key))); key = maybeMemoise; } body.push(...buildMutatorMapAssign({ MUTATOR_MAP_REF: getMutatorId(), KEY: _core.types.cloneNode(key), VALUE: getValue(prop), KIND: _core.types.identifier(prop.kind) })); } function pushComputedPropsLoose(info) { for (const prop of info.computedProps) { if (prop.kind === "get" || prop.kind === "set") { pushMutatorDefine(info, prop); } else { pushAssign(_core.types.cloneNode(info.objId), prop, info.body); } } } function pushComputedPropsSpec(info) { const { objId, body, computedProps, state } = info; for (const prop of computedProps) { const key = _core.types.toComputedKey(prop); if (prop.kind === "get" || prop.kind === "set") { pushMutatorDefine(info, prop); } else { if (computedProps.length === 1) { return _core.types.callExpression(state.addHelper("defineProperty"), [info.initPropExpression, key, getValue(prop)]); } else { body.push(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.callExpression(state.addHelper("defineProperty"), [_core.types.cloneNode(objId), key, getValue(prop)]))); } } } } return { name: "transform-computed-properties", visitor: { ObjectExpression: { exit(path, state) { const { node, parent, scope } = path; let hasComputed = false; for (const prop of node.properties) { hasComputed = prop.computed === true; if (hasComputed) break; } if (!hasComputed) return; const initProps = []; const computedProps = []; let foundComputed = false; for (const prop of node.properties) { if (prop.computed) { foundComputed = true; } if (foundComputed) { computedProps.push(prop); } else { initProps.push(prop); } } const objId = scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(parent); const initPropExpression = _core.types.objectExpression(initProps); const body = []; body.push(_core.types.variableDeclaration("var", [_core.types.variableDeclarator(objId, initPropExpression)])); let mutatorRef; const getMutatorId = function () { if (!mutatorRef) { mutatorRef = scope.generateUidIdentifier("mutatorMap"); body.push(_core.types.variableDeclaration("var", [_core.types.variableDeclarator(mutatorRef, _core.types.objectExpression([]))])); } return _core.types.cloneNode(mutatorRef); }; const single = pushComputedProps({ scope, objId, body, computedProps, initPropExpression, getMutatorId, state }); if (mutatorRef) { body.push(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.callExpression(state.addHelper("defineEnumerableProperties"), [_core.types.cloneNode(objId), _core.types.cloneNode(mutatorRef)]))); } if (single) { path.replaceWith(single); } else { body.push(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.cloneNode(objId))); path.replaceWithMultiple(body); } } } } }; }); exports.default = _default;