import definitions from "../../lib/definitions/index.js"; const has =; function joinComparisons(leftArr, right) { return (` === ${right} || `) + ` === ${right}` ); } function addIsHelper(type, aliasKeys, deprecated) { const targetType = JSON.stringify(type); let aliasSource = ""; if (aliasKeys) { aliasSource = joinComparisons(aliasKeys, "nodeType"); } let placeholderSource = ""; const placeholderTypes = []; if ( definitions.PLACEHOLDERS.includes(type) && has(definitions.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS, type) ) { placeholderTypes.push(type); } if (has(definitions.PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS, type)) { placeholderTypes.push(...definitions.PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS[type]); } if (placeholderTypes.length > 0) { placeholderSource = ' || nodeType === "Placeholder" && (' + joinComparisons( placeholderTypes, "(node as t.Placeholder).expectedNode" ) + ")"; } const result = definitions.NODE_FIELDS[type] || definitions.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[type] ? `node is t.${type}` : "boolean"; return `export function is${type}(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): ${result} { ${deprecated || ""} if (!node) return false; const nodeType = (node as t.Node).type; if (${ aliasSource ? aliasSource : `nodeType === ${targetType}` }${placeholderSource}) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return shallowEqual(node, opts); } } return false; } `; } export default function generateValidators() { let output = `/* * This file is auto-generated! Do not modify it directly. * To re-generate run 'make build' */ import shallowEqual from "../../utils/shallowEqual"; import type * as t from "../..";\n\n`; Object.keys(definitions.VISITOR_KEYS).forEach(type => { output += addIsHelper(type); }); Object.keys(definitions.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS).forEach(type => { output += addIsHelper(type, definitions.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[type]); }); Object.keys(definitions.DEPRECATED_KEYS).forEach(type => { const newType = definitions.DEPRECATED_KEYS[type]; const deprecated = `console.trace("The node type ${type} has been renamed to ${newType}");`; output += addIsHelper(type, null, deprecated); }); return output; }