# Script for populating the database. You can run it as: # # mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs # # Inside the script, you can read and write to any of your # repositories directly: # # Shift73k.Repo.insert!(%Shift73k.SomeSchema{}) # # We recommend using the bang functions (`insert!`, `update!` # and so on) as they will fail if something goes wrong. alias Shift73k.Repo alias Shift73k.Accounts alias Shift73k.Accounts.User ############################################################################ ## INSERTING MOCK USER DATA {:ok, _admin} = Accounts.register_user(%{ email: "admin@company.com", password: "123456789abC", password_confirmation: "123456789abC", role: Accounts.registration_role() }) {:ok, _user_1} = Accounts.register_user(%{ email: "user1@company.com", password: "123456789abC", password_confirmation: "123456789abC", role: Accounts.registration_role() }) {:ok, _user_2} = Accounts.register_user(%{ email: "user2@company.com", password: "123456789abC", password_confirmation: "123456789abC", role: Accounts.registration_role() }) # if Mix.env() == :dev do this_path = Path.dirname(__ENV__.file) users_json = Path.join(this_path, "MOCK_DATA_users.json") count_to_take = 15 mock_users = users_json |> File.read!() |> Jason.decode!() |> Enum.take_random(count_to_take) extra_mock_users = ~s([ {"email":"adam@73k.us","password":"adamadamA1","role":"admin","inserted_at":"2018-12-14T01:01:01Z","confirmed_at":true}, {"email":"karen@73k.us","password":"karenkarenA1","role":"manager","inserted_at":"2018-12-14T01:06:01Z","confirmed_at":true}, {"email":"kat@73k.us","password":"katkatA1","role":"manager","inserted_at":"2018-12-14T01:06:01Z","confirmed_at":true} ]) # for random week_start_at values [head | tail] = Shift73k.weekdays() week_starts = [head | Enum.drop(tail, 4)] mock_users = extra_mock_users |> Jason.decode!() |> Stream.concat(mock_users) |> Enum.map(fn e -> add_dt = NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!(e["inserted_at"]) %{ email: e["email"], role: String.to_existing_atom(e["role"]), hashed_password: Bcrypt.hash_pwd_salt(e["password"]), week_start_at: Enum.at(week_starts, Enum.random(0..2)), calendar_slug: Ecto.UUID.generate(), inserted_at: add_dt, updated_at: add_dt, confirmed_at: (e["confirmed_at"] && NaiveDateTime.add(add_dt, 300, :second)) || nil } end) Repo.insert_all(User, mock_users) # end ##### # shift tepmlates alias Shift73k.Shifts.Templates.ShiftTemplate shifts_json = Path.join(this_path, "MOCK_DATA_shift-templates.json") mock_shifts = shifts_json |> File.read!() |> Jason.decode!() time_from_mock = fn mock_time -> case String.length(mock_time) do 4 -> Time.from_iso8601!("T0#{mock_time}:00") 5 -> Time.from_iso8601!("T#{mock_time}:00") end end seconds_day = 86_400 seconds_days_14 = seconds_day * 14 seconds_half_day = Integer.floor_div(seconds_day, 2) for user <- Accounts.list_users() do user_shifts = mock_shifts |> Enum.take_random(:rand.uniform(15) + 5) |> Enum.map(fn e -> seconds_to_add = :rand.uniform(seconds_days_14) + seconds_half_day add_dt = NaiveDateTime.add(user.inserted_at, seconds_to_add) time_start = time_from_mock.(e["time_start"]) shift_len_min = e["length_minutes"] || 0 shift_length = e["length_hours"] * 60 * 60 + shift_len_min * 60 time_end = Time.add(time_start, shift_length) |> Time.truncate(:second) %{ subject: e["subject"], description: e["description"], location: e["location"], time_zone: Tzdata.zone_list() |> Enum.random(), time_start: time_start, time_end: time_end, user_id: user.id, inserted_at: add_dt, updated_at: add_dt } end) Repo.insert_all(ShiftTemplate, user_shifts) end ##### # insert shifts for each user? alias Shift73k.Shifts alias Shift73k.Shifts.Templates for user <- Accounts.list_users() do # build a date range for the time from 120 days ago to 120 days from now today = Date.utc_today() date_range = Date.range(Date.add(today, -120), Date.add(today, 120)) # get 3 random shift templates for user st_list = Templates.list_shift_templates_by_user(user.id) |> Enum.take_random(3) for st <- st_list do days_to_schedule = Enum.take_random(date_range, 47) shift_data = ShiftTemplate.attrs(st) days_to_schedule |> Stream.map(&Map.put(shift_data, :date, &1)) |> Enum.map(&Repo.timestamp/1) |> Shifts.create_multiple() end end