defmodule Shift73kWeb.LiveHelpers do import Phoenix.LiveView import Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers alias Shift73k.Accounts alias Shift73k.Accounts.User alias Shift73kWeb.UserAuth alias Shift73k.Shifts @doc """ Performs the {:noreply, socket} for a given socket. This helps make the noreply pipeable """ def live_noreply(socket), do: {:noreply, socket} @doc """ Performs the {:ok, socket} for a given socket. This helps make the ok reply pipeable """ def live_okreply(socket), do: {:ok, socket} @doc """ Renders a component inside the `Shift73kWeb.ModalComponent` component. The rendered modal receives a `:return_to` option to properly update the URL when the modal is closed. ## Examples <%= live_modal @socket, Shift73kWeb.PropertyLive.FormComponent, id: || :new, action: @live_action, property: @property, return_to: Routes.property_index_path(@socket, :index) %> """ def live_modal(socket, component, opts) do modal_opts = [id: :modal, component: component, opts: opts] # dirty little workaround for elixir complaining about socket being unused _socket = socket live_component(socket, Shift73kWeb.ModalComponent, modal_opts) end @doc """ Loads default assigns for liveviews """ def assign_defaults(socket, session) do Shift73kWeb.Endpoint.subscribe(UserAuth.pubsub_topic()) assign_current_user(socket, session) end # For liveviews, ensures current_user is in socket assigns. def assign_current_user(socket, session) do with user_token when not is_nil(user_token) <- session["user_token"], %User{} = user <- Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(user_token) do assign(socket, :current_user, user) else _ -> socket end end @doc """ Copies current flash into new put_flash invocations. To be used before a push_patch. """ def copy_flash(%{assigns: %{flash: flash}} = socket) do Enum.reduce(flash, socket, fn {k, v}, acc -> put_flash(acc, String.to_existing_atom(k), v) end) end def format_shift_time(time) do time |> Calendar.strftime("%-I:%M%P") |> String.trim_trailing("m") end def format_shift_length(%{} = shift_or_template) do shift_or_template |> Shifts.shift_length() |> format_shift_length() end def format_shift_length(minutes) when is_integer(minutes) do h = Integer.floor_div(minutes, 60) m = rem(minutes, 60) cond do h > 0 && m > 0 -> "#{h}h #{m}m" h > 0 -> "#{h}h" m > 0 -> "#{m}m" true -> "0m" end end end