# 4.0.0-rc.0 * Breaking: Drops support for Node 0.12, we now require at least Node 4. * Breaking: Update PostCSS to 6.0.0. # 2.1.0 * Now supports discarding duplicates irrespective of property order, better support for legacy hacks & partial duplicate removal (thanks to @andyjansson). # 2.0.2 * Major performance boost by lessening algorithmic complexity; each node is now cached and the nested loop removed, meaning that each node is cast to a string only once (thanks to @asztal). # 2.0.1 * Now compiled with babel 6. * Minor performance boost from exiting from the `dedupe` function if the node has less than two child nodes. # 2.0.0 * Upgraded to PostCSS 5. # 1.2.1 * Fixes an integration test failure with cssnano; use PostCSS `each` rather than native `forEach` (thanks to @TrySound). # 1.2.0 * Improved duplicate detection (thanks to @TrySound). # 1.1.6 * Improved performance by caching string representations of nodes, and minimising stringifying as much as possible (thanks to @TrySound). # 1.1.5 * Fixed an issue where comments were being deduplicated. # 1.1.4 * Improved performance by making all AST iterations in a single pass. # 1.1.3 * Improved documentation for compatibility with the plugin guidelines. * Simplify main source code. # 1.1.2 * Fixed an issue where declarations inside similar keyframes were being discarded incorrectly. # 1.1.1 * Fixed a bug where keyframe rules were being incorrectly discarded, if they had the same declarations but different vendor prefixes. # 1.1.0 * Now uses the PostCSS `4.1` plugin API. # 1.0.0 * Initial release.