"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /** * * Starts the devServer * * @param {Object} compiler - a webpack compiler * @param {Object} devServerCliOptions - dev server CLI options * @param {Object} cliOptions - CLI options * @param {Object} logger - logger * * @returns {Object[]} array of resulting servers */ async function startDevServer(compiler, devServerCliOptions, cliOptions, logger) { let devServerVersion, Server, findPort; try { // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-extraneous-require devServerVersion = require('webpack-dev-server/package.json').version; // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-extraneous-require Server = require('webpack-dev-server/lib/Server'); // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-extraneous-require findPort = require('webpack-dev-server/lib/utils/findPort'); } catch (err) { logger.error(`You need to install 'webpack-dev-server' for running 'webpack serve'.\n${err}`); process.exit(2); } const mergeOptions = (devServerOptions, devServerCliOptions) => { // CLI options should take precedence over devServer options, // and CLI options should have no default values included const options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, devServerOptions), devServerCliOptions); if (devServerOptions.client && devServerCliOptions.client) { // the user could set some client options in their devServer config, // then also specify client options on the CLI options.client = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, devServerOptions.client), devServerCliOptions.client); } return options; }; const isMultiCompiler = Boolean(compiler.compilers); let compilersWithDevServerOption; if (isMultiCompiler) { compilersWithDevServerOption = compiler.compilers.filter((compiler) => compiler.options.devServer); // No compilers found with the `devServer` option, let's use first compiler if (compilersWithDevServerOption.length === 0) { compilersWithDevServerOption = [compiler.compilers[0]]; } } else { compilersWithDevServerOption = [compiler]; } const isDevServer4 = devServerVersion.startsWith('4'); const usedPorts = []; const devServersOptions = []; for (const compilerWithDevServerOption of compilersWithDevServerOption) { const options = mergeOptions(compilerWithDevServerOption.options.devServer || {}, devServerCliOptions); if (isDevServer4) { options.port = await findPort(options.port); options.client = options.client || {}; options.client.port = options.client.port || options.port; } else { const getPublicPathOption = () => { const normalizePublicPath = (publicPath) => typeof publicPath === 'undefined' || publicPath === 'auto' ? '/' : publicPath; if (cliOptions.outputPublicPath) { return normalizePublicPath(compilerWithDevServerOption.options.output.publicPath); } // webpack-dev-server@3 if (options.publicPath) { return normalizePublicPath(options.publicPath); } // webpack-dev-server@4 if (options.dev && options.dev.publicPath) { return normalizePublicPath(options.dev.publicPath); } return normalizePublicPath(compilerWithDevServerOption.options.output.publicPath); }; const getStatsOption = () => { if (cliOptions.stats) { return compilerWithDevServerOption.options.stats; } if (options.stats) { return options.stats; } return compilerWithDevServerOption.options.stats; }; options.host = options.host || 'localhost'; options.port = options.port || 8080; options.stats = getStatsOption(); options.publicPath = getPublicPathOption(); } if (options.port) { const portNumber = Number(options.port); if (usedPorts.find((port) => portNumber === port)) { throw new Error('Unique ports must be specified for each devServer option in your webpack configuration. Alternatively, run only 1 devServer config using the --config-name flag to specify your desired config.'); } usedPorts.push(portNumber); } devServersOptions.push({ compiler, options }); } const servers = []; for (const devServerOptions of devServersOptions) { const { compiler, options } = devServerOptions; const server = new Server(compiler, options); server.listen(options.port, options.host, (error) => { if (error) { throw error; } }); servers.push(server); } return servers; } exports.default = startDevServer;