
370 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import t from "../../lib/index.js";
import stringifyValidator from "../utils/stringifyValidator.js";
import toFunctionName from "../utils/toFunctionName.js";
let code = `// NOTE: This file is autogenerated. Do not modify.
// See packages/babel-types/scripts/generators/typescript-legacy.js for script used.
interface BaseComment {
value: string;
start: number;
end: number;
loc: SourceLocation;
type: "CommentBlock" | "CommentLine";
export interface CommentBlock extends BaseComment {
type: "CommentBlock";
export interface CommentLine extends BaseComment {
type: "CommentLine";
export type Comment = CommentBlock | CommentLine;
export interface SourceLocation {
start: {
line: number;
column: number;
end: {
line: number;
column: number;
interface BaseNode {
leadingComments: ReadonlyArray<Comment> | null;
innerComments: ReadonlyArray<Comment> | null;
trailingComments: ReadonlyArray<Comment> | null;
start: number | null;
end: number | null;
loc: SourceLocation | null;
type: Node["type"];
extra?: Record<string, unknown>;
export type Node = ${t.TYPES.sort().join(" | ")};\n\n`;
const lines = [];
for (const type in t.NODE_FIELDS) {
const fields = t.NODE_FIELDS[type];
const fieldNames = sortFieldNames(Object.keys(t.NODE_FIELDS[type]), type);
const builderNames = t.BUILDER_KEYS[type];
const struct = ['type: "' + type + '";'];
const args = [];
fieldNames.forEach(fieldName => {
const field = fields[fieldName];
// Future / annoying TODO:
//, ObjectProperty.key and ObjectMethod.key need special cases; either:
// - convert the declaration to chain() like ClassProperty.key and ClassMethod.key,
// - declare an alias type for valid keys, detect the case and reuse it here,
// - declare a disjoint union with, for example, ObjectPropertyBase,
// ObjectPropertyLiteralKey and ObjectPropertyComputedKey, and declare ObjectProperty
// as "ObjectPropertyBase & (ObjectPropertyLiteralKey | ObjectPropertyComputedKey)"
let typeAnnotation = stringifyValidator(field.validate, "");
if (isNullable(field) && !hasDefault(field)) {
typeAnnotation += " | null";
if (builderNames.includes(fieldName)) {
if (areAllRemainingFieldsNullable(fieldName, builderNames, fields)) {
isNullable(field) ? "?:" : ":"
} ${typeAnnotation}`
} else {
`${t.toBindingIdentifierName(fieldName)}: ${typeAnnotation}${
isNullable(field) ? " | undefined" : ""
const alphaNumeric = /^\w+$/;
if (t.isValidIdentifier(fieldName) || alphaNumeric.test(fieldName)) {
struct.push(`${fieldName}: ${typeAnnotation};`);
} else {
struct.push(`"${fieldName}": ${typeAnnotation};`);
code += `export interface ${type} extends BaseNode {
${struct.join("\n ").trim()}
// super and import are reserved words in JavaScript
if (type !== "Super" && type !== "Import") {
`export function ${toFunctionName(type)}(${args.join(", ")}): ${type};`
} else {
const functionName = toFunctionName(type);
`declare function _${functionName}(${args.join(", ")}): ${type};`,
`export { _${functionName} as ${functionName}}`
for (const typeName of t.TYPES) {
const isDeprecated = !!t.DEPRECATED_KEYS[typeName];
const realName = isDeprecated ? t.DEPRECATED_KEYS[typeName] : typeName;
const result =
t.NODE_FIELDS[realName] || t.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[realName]
? `node is ${realName}`
: "boolean";
if (isDeprecated) {
lines.push(`/** @deprecated Use \`is${realName}\` */`);
`export function is${typeName}(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): ${result};`
if (isDeprecated) {
lines.push(`/** @deprecated Use \`assert${realName}\` */`);
`export function assert${typeName}(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void;`
// assert/
`export function assertNode(obj: any): void`,
// builders/
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof(type: 'string' | 'number' | 'undefined' | 'boolean' | 'function' | 'object' | 'symbol'): StringTypeAnnotation | VoidTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | GenericTypeAnnotation`,
`export function createUnionTypeAnnotation<T extends FlowType>(types: [T]): T`,
`export function createFlowUnionType<T extends FlowType>(types: [T]): T`,
// this probably misbehaves if there are 0 elements, and it's not a UnionTypeAnnotation if there's only 1
// it is possible to require "2 or more" for this overload ([T, T, ...T[]]) but it requires typescript 3.0
`export function createUnionTypeAnnotation(types: ReadonlyArray<FlowType>): UnionTypeAnnotation`,
`export function createFlowUnionType(types: ReadonlyArray<FlowType>): UnionTypeAnnotation`,
// this smells like "internal API"
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function buildChildren(node: { children: ReadonlyArray<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment | JSXEmptyExpression> }): JSXElement['children']`,
// clone/
`export function clone<T extends Node>(n: T): T;`,
`export function cloneDeep<T extends Node>(n: T): T;`,
`export function cloneDeepWithoutLoc<T extends Node>(n: T): T;`,
`export function cloneNode<T extends Node>(n: T, deep?: boolean, withoutLoc?: boolean): T;`,
`export function cloneWithoutLoc<T extends Node>(n: T): T;`,
// comments/
`export type CommentTypeShorthand = 'leading' | 'inner' | 'trailing'`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function addComment<T extends Node>(node: T, type: CommentTypeShorthand, content: string, line?: boolean): T`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function addComments<T extends Node>(node: T, type: CommentTypeShorthand, comments: ReadonlyArray<Comment>): T`,
`export function inheritInnerComments(node: Node, parent: Node): void`,
`export function inheritLeadingComments(node: Node, parent: Node): void`,
`export function inheritsComments<T extends Node>(node: T, parent: Node): void`,
`export function inheritTrailingComments(node: Node, parent: Node): void`,
`export function removeComments<T extends Node>(node: T): T`,
// converters/
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function ensureBlock(node: Extract<Node, { body: BlockStatement | Statement | Expression }>): BlockStatement`,
// too complex?
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function ensureBlock<K extends keyof Extract<Node, { body: BlockStatement | Statement | Expression }> = 'body'>(node: Extract<Node, Record<K, BlockStatement | Statement | Expression>>, key: K): BlockStatement`,
// gatherSequenceExpressions is not exported
`export function toBindingIdentifierName(name: { toString(): string } | null | undefined): string`,
`export function toBlock(node: Statement | Expression, parent?: Function | null): BlockStatement`,
// it is possible for `node` to be an arbitrary object if `key` is always provided,
// but that doesn't look like intended API
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function toComputedKey<T extends Extract<Node, { computed: boolean | null }>>(node: T, key?: Expression | Identifier): Expression`,
`export function toExpression(node: Function): FunctionExpression`,
`export function toExpression(node: Class): ClassExpression`,
`export function toExpression(node: ExpressionStatement | Expression | Class | Function): Expression`,
`export function toIdentifier(name: { toString(): string } | null | undefined): string`,
`export function toKeyAlias(node: Method | Property, key?: Node): string`,
// NOTE: this actually uses Scope from @babel/traverse, but we can't add a dependency on its types,
// as they live in @types. Declare the structural subset that is required.
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function toSequenceExpression(nodes: ReadonlyArray<Node>, scope: { push(value: { id: LVal; kind: 'var'; init?: Expression}): void; buildUndefinedNode(): Node }): SequenceExpression | undefined`,
`export function toStatement(node: AssignmentExpression, ignore?: boolean): ExpressionStatement`,
`export function toStatement(node: Statement | AssignmentExpression, ignore?: boolean): Statement`,
`export function toStatement(node: Class, ignore: true): ClassDeclaration | undefined`,
`export function toStatement(node: Class, ignore?: boolean): ClassDeclaration`,
`export function toStatement(node: Function, ignore: true): FunctionDeclaration | undefined`,
`export function toStatement(node: Function, ignore?: boolean): FunctionDeclaration`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function toStatement(node: Statement | Class | Function | AssignmentExpression, ignore: true): Statement | undefined`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function toStatement(node: Statement | Class | Function | AssignmentExpression, ignore?: boolean): Statement`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function valueToNode(value: undefined): Identifier`, // (should this not be a UnaryExpression to avoid shadowing?)
`export function valueToNode(value: boolean): BooleanLiteral`,
`export function valueToNode(value: null): NullLiteral`,
`export function valueToNode(value: string): StringLiteral`,
// Infinities and NaN need to use a BinaryExpression; negative values must be wrapped in UnaryExpression
`export function valueToNode(value: number): NumericLiteral | BinaryExpression | UnaryExpression`,
`export function valueToNode(value: RegExp): RegExpLiteral`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function valueToNode(value: ReadonlyArray<undefined | boolean | null | string | number | RegExp | object>): ArrayExpression`,
// this throws with objects that are not PlainObject according to lodash,
// or if there are non-valueToNode-able values
`export function valueToNode(value: object): ObjectExpression`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function valueToNode(value: undefined | boolean | null | string | number | RegExp | object): Expression`,
// modifications/
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function removeTypeDuplicates(types: ReadonlyArray<FlowType | false | null | undefined>): FlowType[]`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function appendToMemberExpression<T extends Pick<MemberExpression, 'object' | 'property'>>(member: T, append: MemberExpression['property'], computed?: boolean): T`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function inherits<T extends Node | null | undefined>(child: T, parent: Node | null | undefined): T`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function prependToMemberExpression<T extends Pick<MemberExpression, 'object' | 'property'>>(member: T, prepend: MemberExpression['object']): T`,
`export function removeProperties(
n: Node,
opts?: { preserveComments: boolean } | null
): void;`,
`export function removePropertiesDeep<T extends Node>(
n: T,
opts?: { preserveComments: boolean } | null
): T;`,
// retrievers/
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function getBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates: true, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, Array<Identifier>>`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function getBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates?: false, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, Identifier>`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function getBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates: boolean, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, Identifier | Array<Identifier>>`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function getOuterBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates: true): Record<string, Array<Identifier>>`,
`export function getOuterBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates?: false): Record<string, Identifier>`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function getOuterBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates: boolean): Record<string, Identifier | Array<Identifier>>`,
// traverse/
`export type TraversalAncestors = ReadonlyArray<{
node: Node,
key: string,
index?: number,
export type TraversalHandler<T> = (
this: undefined, node: Node, parent: TraversalAncestors, type: T
) => void;
export type TraversalHandlers<T> = {
enter?: TraversalHandler<T>,
exit?: TraversalHandler<T>,
};`.replace(/(^|\n) {2}/g, "$1"),
// eslint-disable-next-line
`export function traverse<T>(n: Node, h: TraversalHandler<T> | TraversalHandlers<T>, state?: T): void;`,
`export function traverseFast<T>(n: Node, h: TraversalHandler<T>, state?: T): void;`,
// utils/
// cleanJSXElementLiteralChild is not exported
// inherit is not exported
`export function shallowEqual<T extends object>(actual: object, expected: T): actual is T`,
// validators/
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function buildMatchMemberExpression(match: string, allowPartial?: boolean): (node: Node | null | undefined) => node is MemberExpression`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function is<T extends Node['type']>(type: T, n: Node | null | undefined, required?: undefined): n is Extract<Node, { type: T }>`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function is<T extends Node['type'], P extends Extract<Node, { type: T }>>(type: T, n: Node | null | undefined, required: Partial<P>): n is P`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function is<P extends Node>(type: string, n: Node | null | undefined, required: Partial<P>): n is P`,
`export function is(type: string, n: Node | null | undefined, required?: Partial<Node>): n is Node`,
`export function isBinding(node: Node, parent: Node, grandparent?: Node): boolean`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function isBlockScoped(node: Node): node is FunctionDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | VariableDeclaration`,
`export function isImmutable(node: Node): node is Immutable`,
`export function isLet(node: Node): node is VariableDeclaration`,
`export function isNode(node: object | null | undefined): node is Node`,
`export function isNodesEquivalent<T extends Partial<Node>>(a: T, b: any): b is T`,
`export function isNodesEquivalent(a: any, b: any): boolean`,
`export function isPlaceholderType(placeholderType: Node['type'], targetType: Node['type']): boolean`,
`export function isReferenced(node: Node, parent: Node, grandparent?: Node): boolean`,
`export function isScope(node: Node, parent: Node): node is Scopable`,
`export function isSpecifierDefault(specifier: ModuleSpecifier): boolean`,
`export function isType<T extends Node['type']>(nodetype: string, targetType: T): nodetype is T`,
`export function isType(nodetype: string | null | undefined, targetType: string): boolean`,
`export function isValidES3Identifier(name: string): boolean`,
`export function isValidIdentifier(name: string): boolean`,
`export function isVar(node: Node): node is VariableDeclaration`,
// the MemberExpression implication is incidental, but it follows from the implementation
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function matchesPattern(node: Node | null | undefined, match: string | ReadonlyArray<string>, allowPartial?: boolean): node is MemberExpression`,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
`export function validate<T extends Node, K extends keyof T>(n: Node | null | undefined, key: K, value: T[K]): void;`,
`export function validate(n: Node, key: string, value: any): void;`
for (const type in t.DEPRECATED_KEYS) {
code += `/**
* @deprecated Use \`${t.DEPRECATED_KEYS[type]}\`
export type ${type} = ${t.DEPRECATED_KEYS[type]};\n
for (const type in t.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS) {
const types = t.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[type];
code += `export type ${type} = ${types
.map(type => `${type}`)
.join(" | ")};\n`;
code += "\n";
code += "export interface Aliases {\n";
for (const type in t.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS) {
code += ` ${type}: ${type};\n`;
code += "}\n\n";
code += lines.join("\n") + "\n";
function areAllRemainingFieldsNullable(fieldName, fieldNames, fields) {
const index = fieldNames.indexOf(fieldName);
return fieldNames.slice(index).every(_ => isNullable(fields[_]));
function hasDefault(field) {
return field.default != null;
function isNullable(field) {
return field.optional || hasDefault(field);
function sortFieldNames(fields, type) {
return fields.sort((fieldA, fieldB) => {
const indexA = t.BUILDER_KEYS[type].indexOf(fieldA);
const indexB = t.BUILDER_KEYS[type].indexOf(fieldB);
if (indexA === indexB) return fieldA < fieldB ? -1 : 1;
if (indexA === -1) return 1;
if (indexB === -1) return -1;
return indexA - indexB;