
2920 lines
201 KiB
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interface BaseComment {
value: string;
start: number;
end: number;
loc: SourceLocation;
type: "CommentBlock" | "CommentLine";
interface CommentBlock extends BaseComment {
type: "CommentBlock";
interface CommentLine extends BaseComment {
type: "CommentLine";
declare type Comment = CommentBlock | CommentLine;
interface SourceLocation {
start: {
line: number;
column: number;
end: {
line: number;
column: number;
interface BaseNode {
leadingComments: ReadonlyArray<Comment> | null;
innerComments: ReadonlyArray<Comment> | null;
trailingComments: ReadonlyArray<Comment> | null;
start: number | null;
end: number | null;
loc: SourceLocation | null;
type: Node["type"];
extra?: Record<string, unknown>;
declare type CommentTypeShorthand = "leading" | "inner" | "trailing";
declare type Node = AnyTypeAnnotation | ArgumentPlaceholder | ArrayExpression | ArrayPattern | ArrayTypeAnnotation | ArrowFunctionExpression | AssignmentExpression | AssignmentPattern | AwaitExpression | BigIntLiteral | Binary | BinaryExpression | BindExpression | Block | BlockParent | BlockStatement | BooleanLiteral | BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | BreakStatement | CallExpression | CatchClause | Class | ClassBody | ClassDeclaration | ClassExpression | ClassImplements | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | ClassPrivateProperty | ClassProperty | CompletionStatement | Conditional | ConditionalExpression | ContinueStatement | DebuggerStatement | DecimalLiteral | Declaration | DeclareClass | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | DeclareExportDeclaration | DeclareFunction | DeclareInterface | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareOpaqueType | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareVariable | DeclaredPredicate | Decorator | Directive | DirectiveLiteral | DoExpression | DoWhileStatement | EmptyStatement | EmptyTypeAnnotation | EnumBody | EnumBooleanBody | EnumBooleanMember | EnumDeclaration | EnumDefaultedMember | EnumMember | EnumNumberBody | EnumNumberMember | EnumStringBody | EnumStringMember | EnumSymbolBody | ExistsTypeAnnotation | ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportDefaultSpecifier | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportNamespaceSpecifier | ExportSpecifier | Expression | ExpressionStatement | ExpressionWrapper | File | Flow | FlowBaseAnnotation | FlowDeclaration | FlowPredicate | FlowType | For | ForInStatement | ForOfStatement | ForStatement | ForXStatement | Function | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | FunctionParent | FunctionTypeAnnotation | FunctionTypeParam | GenericTypeAnnotation | Identifier | IfStatement | Immutable | Import | ImportAttribute | ImportDeclaration | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier | ImportSpecifier | InferredPredicate | InterfaceDeclaration | InterfaceExtends | InterfaceTypeAnnotation | InterpreterDirective | IntersectionTypeAnnotation | JSX | JSXAttribute | JSXClosingElement | JSXClosingFragment | JSXElement | JSXEmptyExpression | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXFragment | JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName | JSXOpeningElement | JSXOpeningFragment | JSXSpreadAttribute | JSXSpreadChild | JSXText | LVal | LabeledStatement | Literal | LogicalExpression | Loop | MemberExpression | MetaProperty | Method | MixedTypeAnnotation | ModuleDeclaration | ModuleExpression | ModuleSpecifier | NewExpression | Noop | NullLiteral | NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | NullableTypeAnnotation | NumberLiteral | NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | NumericLiteral | ObjectExpression | ObjectMember | ObjectMethod | ObjectPattern | ObjectProperty | ObjectTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeCallProperty | ObjectTypeIndexer | ObjectTypeInternalSlot | ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty | OpaqueType | OptionalCallExpression | OptionalMemberExpression | ParenthesizedExpression | Pattern | PatternLike | PipelineBareFunction | PipelinePrimaryTopicReference | PipelineTopicExpression | Placeholder | Private | PrivateName | Program | Property | Pureish | QualifiedTypeIdentifier | RecordExpression | RegExpLiteral | RegexLiteral | RestElement | RestProperty | ReturnStatement | Scopable | SequenceExpression | SpreadElement | SpreadProperty | Statement | StaticBlock | StringLiteral | StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | StringTypeAnnotation | Super | SwitchCase | SwitchStatement | SymbolTypeAnnotation | TSAnyKeyword | TSArrayType | TSAsExpression | TSBaseType | TSBigIntKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSCallSignatureDeclaration | TSConditionalType | TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | TSConstructorType | TSDeclareFunction | TSDeclareMethod | TSEntityName | TSEnumDeclaration | TSEnumMember | TSExportAssignment | TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | TSExternalModuleReference | TSFunctionType | TSImportEqualsDeclaration | TSImportType | TSIndexSignature | TSIndexedAccessType | TSInferType | TSInterfaceBody | TSInterfaceDeclaration | TSIntersectionType | TSIntr
interface ArrayExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "ArrayExpression";
elements: Array<null | Expression | SpreadElement>;
interface AssignmentExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "AssignmentExpression";
operator: string;
left: LVal;
right: Expression;
interface BinaryExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "BinaryExpression";
operator: "+" | "-" | "/" | "%" | "*" | "**" | "&" | "|" | ">>" | ">>>" | "<<" | "^" | "==" | "===" | "!=" | "!==" | "in" | "instanceof" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=";
left: Expression | PrivateName;
right: Expression;
interface InterpreterDirective extends BaseNode {
type: "InterpreterDirective";
value: string;
interface Directive extends BaseNode {
type: "Directive";
value: DirectiveLiteral;
interface DirectiveLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "DirectiveLiteral";
value: string;
interface BlockStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "BlockStatement";
body: Array<Statement>;
directives: Array<Directive>;
interface BreakStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "BreakStatement";
label?: Identifier | null;
interface CallExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "CallExpression";
callee: Expression | V8IntrinsicIdentifier;
arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>;
optional?: true | false | null;
typeArguments?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface CatchClause extends BaseNode {
type: "CatchClause";
param?: Identifier | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern | null;
body: BlockStatement;
interface ConditionalExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "ConditionalExpression";
test: Expression;
consequent: Expression;
alternate: Expression;
interface ContinueStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "ContinueStatement";
label?: Identifier | null;
interface DebuggerStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "DebuggerStatement";
interface DoWhileStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "DoWhileStatement";
test: Expression;
body: Statement;
interface EmptyStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "EmptyStatement";
interface ExpressionStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "ExpressionStatement";
expression: Expression;
interface File extends BaseNode {
type: "File";
program: Program;
comments?: Array<CommentBlock | CommentLine> | null;
tokens?: Array<any> | null;
interface ForInStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "ForInStatement";
left: VariableDeclaration | LVal;
right: Expression;
body: Statement;
interface ForStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "ForStatement";
init?: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null;
test?: Expression | null;
update?: Expression | null;
body: Statement;
interface FunctionDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "FunctionDeclaration";
id?: Identifier | null;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
body: BlockStatement;
generator?: boolean;
async?: boolean;
declare?: boolean | null;
returnType?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
interface FunctionExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "FunctionExpression";
id?: Identifier | null;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
body: BlockStatement;
generator?: boolean;
async?: boolean;
returnType?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
interface Identifier extends BaseNode {
type: "Identifier";
name: string;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
optional?: boolean | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
interface IfStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "IfStatement";
test: Expression;
consequent: Statement;
alternate?: Statement | null;
interface LabeledStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "LabeledStatement";
label: Identifier;
body: Statement;
interface StringLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "StringLiteral";
value: string;
interface NumericLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "NumericLiteral";
value: number;
* @deprecated Use `NumericLiteral`
interface NumberLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "NumberLiteral";
value: number;
interface NullLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "NullLiteral";
interface BooleanLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "BooleanLiteral";
value: boolean;
interface RegExpLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "RegExpLiteral";
pattern: string;
flags: string;
* @deprecated Use `RegExpLiteral`
interface RegexLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "RegexLiteral";
pattern: string;
flags: string;
interface LogicalExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "LogicalExpression";
operator: "||" | "&&" | "??";
left: Expression;
right: Expression;
interface MemberExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "MemberExpression";
object: Expression;
property: Expression | Identifier | PrivateName;
computed: boolean;
optional?: true | false | null;
interface NewExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "NewExpression";
callee: Expression | V8IntrinsicIdentifier;
arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>;
optional?: true | false | null;
typeArguments?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface Program extends BaseNode {
type: "Program";
body: Array<Statement>;
directives: Array<Directive>;
sourceType: "script" | "module";
interpreter?: InterpreterDirective | null;
sourceFile: string;
interface ObjectExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectExpression";
properties: Array<ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>;
interface ObjectMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectMethod";
kind: "method" | "get" | "set";
key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
body: BlockStatement;
computed: boolean;
generator?: boolean;
async?: boolean;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
returnType?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
interface ObjectProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectProperty";
key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral;
value: Expression | PatternLike;
computed: boolean;
shorthand: boolean;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
interface RestElement extends BaseNode {
type: "RestElement";
argument: LVal;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
* @deprecated Use `RestElement`
interface RestProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "RestProperty";
argument: LVal;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
interface ReturnStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "ReturnStatement";
argument?: Expression | null;
interface SequenceExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "SequenceExpression";
expressions: Array<Expression>;
interface ParenthesizedExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "ParenthesizedExpression";
expression: Expression;
interface SwitchCase extends BaseNode {
type: "SwitchCase";
test?: Expression | null;
consequent: Array<Statement>;
interface SwitchStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "SwitchStatement";
discriminant: Expression;
cases: Array<SwitchCase>;
interface ThisExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "ThisExpression";
interface ThrowStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "ThrowStatement";
argument: Expression;
interface TryStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "TryStatement";
block: BlockStatement;
handler?: CatchClause | null;
finalizer?: BlockStatement | null;
interface UnaryExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "UnaryExpression";
operator: "void" | "throw" | "delete" | "!" | "+" | "-" | "~" | "typeof";
argument: Expression;
prefix: boolean;
interface UpdateExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "UpdateExpression";
operator: "++" | "--";
argument: Expression;
prefix: boolean;
interface VariableDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "VariableDeclaration";
kind: "var" | "let" | "const";
declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>;
declare?: boolean | null;
interface VariableDeclarator extends BaseNode {
type: "VariableDeclarator";
id: LVal;
init?: Expression | null;
definite?: boolean | null;
interface WhileStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "WhileStatement";
test: Expression;
body: Statement;
interface WithStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "WithStatement";
object: Expression;
body: Statement;
interface AssignmentPattern extends BaseNode {
type: "AssignmentPattern";
left: Identifier | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | MemberExpression;
right: Expression;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
interface ArrayPattern extends BaseNode {
type: "ArrayPattern";
elements: Array<null | PatternLike>;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
interface ArrowFunctionExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression";
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
body: BlockStatement | Expression;
async?: boolean;
expression: boolean;
generator?: boolean;
returnType?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
interface ClassBody extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassBody";
body: Array<ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | ClassProperty | ClassPrivateProperty | TSDeclareMethod | TSIndexSignature>;
interface ClassExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassExpression";
id?: Identifier | null;
superClass?: Expression | null;
body: ClassBody;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
implements?: Array<TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | ClassImplements> | null;
mixins?: InterfaceExtends | null;
superTypeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
interface ClassDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassDeclaration";
id: Identifier;
superClass?: Expression | null;
body: ClassBody;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
abstract?: boolean | null;
declare?: boolean | null;
implements?: Array<TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | ClassImplements> | null;
mixins?: InterfaceExtends | null;
superTypeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
interface ExportAllDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "ExportAllDeclaration";
source: StringLiteral;
assertions?: Array<ImportAttribute> | null;
exportKind?: "type" | "value" | null;
interface ExportDefaultDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "ExportDefaultDeclaration";
declaration: FunctionDeclaration | TSDeclareFunction | ClassDeclaration | Expression;
interface ExportNamedDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "ExportNamedDeclaration";
declaration?: Declaration | null;
specifiers: Array<ExportSpecifier | ExportDefaultSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier>;
source?: StringLiteral | null;
assertions?: Array<ImportAttribute> | null;
exportKind?: "type" | "value" | null;
interface ExportSpecifier extends BaseNode {
type: "ExportSpecifier";
local: Identifier;
exported: Identifier | StringLiteral;
interface ForOfStatement extends BaseNode {
type: "ForOfStatement";
left: VariableDeclaration | LVal;
right: Expression;
body: Statement;
await: boolean;
interface ImportDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "ImportDeclaration";
specifiers: Array<ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier>;
source: StringLiteral;
assertions?: Array<ImportAttribute> | null;
importKind?: "type" | "typeof" | "value" | null;
interface ImportDefaultSpecifier extends BaseNode {
type: "ImportDefaultSpecifier";
local: Identifier;
interface ImportNamespaceSpecifier extends BaseNode {
type: "ImportNamespaceSpecifier";
local: Identifier;
interface ImportSpecifier extends BaseNode {
type: "ImportSpecifier";
local: Identifier;
imported: Identifier | StringLiteral;
importKind?: "type" | "typeof" | null;
interface MetaProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "MetaProperty";
meta: Identifier;
property: Identifier;
interface ClassMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassMethod";
kind?: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
body: BlockStatement;
computed?: boolean;
static?: boolean;
generator?: boolean;
async?: boolean;
abstract?: boolean | null;
access?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
accessibility?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
optional?: boolean | null;
returnType?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
interface ObjectPattern extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectPattern";
properties: Array<RestElement | ObjectProperty>;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
interface SpreadElement extends BaseNode {
type: "SpreadElement";
argument: Expression;
* @deprecated Use `SpreadElement`
interface SpreadProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "SpreadProperty";
argument: Expression;
interface Super extends BaseNode {
type: "Super";
interface TaggedTemplateExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "TaggedTemplateExpression";
tag: Expression;
quasi: TemplateLiteral;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface TemplateElement extends BaseNode {
type: "TemplateElement";
value: {
raw: string;
cooked?: string;
tail: boolean;
interface TemplateLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "TemplateLiteral";
quasis: Array<TemplateElement>;
expressions: Array<Expression | TSType>;
interface YieldExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "YieldExpression";
argument?: Expression | null;
delegate: boolean;
interface AwaitExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "AwaitExpression";
argument: Expression;
interface Import extends BaseNode {
type: "Import";
interface BigIntLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "BigIntLiteral";
value: string;
interface ExportNamespaceSpecifier extends BaseNode {
type: "ExportNamespaceSpecifier";
exported: Identifier;
interface OptionalMemberExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "OptionalMemberExpression";
object: Expression;
property: Expression | Identifier;
computed: boolean;
optional: boolean;
interface OptionalCallExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "OptionalCallExpression";
callee: Expression;
arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>;
optional: boolean;
typeArguments?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface AnyTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "AnyTypeAnnotation";
interface ArrayTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "ArrayTypeAnnotation";
elementType: FlowType;
interface BooleanTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "BooleanTypeAnnotation";
interface BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation";
value: boolean;
interface NullLiteralTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation";
interface ClassImplements extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassImplements";
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface DeclareClass extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclareClass";
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
extends?: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
implements?: Array<ClassImplements> | null;
mixins?: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null;
interface DeclareFunction extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclareFunction";
id: Identifier;
predicate?: DeclaredPredicate | null;
interface DeclareInterface extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclareInterface";
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
extends?: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
implements?: Array<ClassImplements> | null;
mixins?: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null;
interface DeclareModule extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclareModule";
id: Identifier | StringLiteral;
body: BlockStatement;
kind?: "CommonJS" | "ES" | null;
interface DeclareModuleExports extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclareModuleExports";
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation;
interface DeclareTypeAlias extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclareTypeAlias";
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
right: FlowType;
interface DeclareOpaqueType extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclareOpaqueType";
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
supertype?: FlowType | null;
interface DeclareVariable extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclareVariable";
id: Identifier;
interface DeclareExportDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclareExportDeclaration";
declaration?: Flow | null;
specifiers?: Array<ExportSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier> | null;
source?: StringLiteral | null;
default?: boolean | null;
interface DeclareExportAllDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclareExportAllDeclaration";
source: StringLiteral;
exportKind?: "type" | "value" | null;
interface DeclaredPredicate extends BaseNode {
type: "DeclaredPredicate";
value: Flow;
interface ExistsTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "ExistsTypeAnnotation";
interface FunctionTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "FunctionTypeAnnotation";
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
params: Array<FunctionTypeParam>;
rest?: FunctionTypeParam | null;
returnType: FlowType;
this?: FunctionTypeParam | null;
interface FunctionTypeParam extends BaseNode {
type: "FunctionTypeParam";
name?: Identifier | null;
typeAnnotation: FlowType;
optional?: boolean | null;
interface GenericTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "GenericTypeAnnotation";
id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface InferredPredicate extends BaseNode {
type: "InferredPredicate";
interface InterfaceExtends extends BaseNode {
type: "InterfaceExtends";
id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface InterfaceDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "InterfaceDeclaration";
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
extends?: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
implements?: Array<ClassImplements> | null;
mixins?: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null;
interface InterfaceTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "InterfaceTypeAnnotation";
extends?: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
interface IntersectionTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "IntersectionTypeAnnotation";
types: Array<FlowType>;
interface MixedTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "MixedTypeAnnotation";
interface EmptyTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "EmptyTypeAnnotation";
interface NullableTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "NullableTypeAnnotation";
typeAnnotation: FlowType;
interface NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation";
value: number;
interface NumberTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "NumberTypeAnnotation";
interface ObjectTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectTypeAnnotation";
properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty>;
indexers?: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer> | null;
callProperties?: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty> | null;
internalSlots?: Array<ObjectTypeInternalSlot> | null;
exact: boolean;
inexact?: boolean | null;
interface ObjectTypeInternalSlot extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectTypeInternalSlot";
id: Identifier;
value: FlowType;
optional: boolean;
static: boolean;
method: boolean;
interface ObjectTypeCallProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectTypeCallProperty";
value: FlowType;
static: boolean;
interface ObjectTypeIndexer extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectTypeIndexer";
id?: Identifier | null;
key: FlowType;
value: FlowType;
variance?: Variance | null;
static: boolean;
interface ObjectTypeProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectTypeProperty";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral;
value: FlowType;
variance?: Variance | null;
kind: "init" | "get" | "set";
method: boolean;
optional: boolean;
proto: boolean;
static: boolean;
interface ObjectTypeSpreadProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty";
argument: FlowType;
interface OpaqueType extends BaseNode {
type: "OpaqueType";
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
supertype?: FlowType | null;
impltype: FlowType;
interface QualifiedTypeIdentifier extends BaseNode {
type: "QualifiedTypeIdentifier";
id: Identifier;
qualification: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
interface StringLiteralTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation";
value: string;
interface StringTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "StringTypeAnnotation";
interface SymbolTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "SymbolTypeAnnotation";
interface ThisTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "ThisTypeAnnotation";
interface TupleTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "TupleTypeAnnotation";
types: Array<FlowType>;
interface TypeofTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "TypeofTypeAnnotation";
argument: FlowType;
interface TypeAlias extends BaseNode {
type: "TypeAlias";
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
right: FlowType;
interface TypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "TypeAnnotation";
typeAnnotation: FlowType;
interface TypeCastExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "TypeCastExpression";
expression: Expression;
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation;
interface TypeParameter extends BaseNode {
type: "TypeParameter";
bound?: TypeAnnotation | null;
default?: FlowType | null;
variance?: Variance | null;
name: string;
interface TypeParameterDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "TypeParameterDeclaration";
params: Array<TypeParameter>;
interface TypeParameterInstantiation extends BaseNode {
type: "TypeParameterInstantiation";
params: Array<FlowType>;
interface UnionTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "UnionTypeAnnotation";
types: Array<FlowType>;
interface Variance extends BaseNode {
type: "Variance";
kind: "minus" | "plus";
interface VoidTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "VoidTypeAnnotation";
interface EnumDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "EnumDeclaration";
id: Identifier;
body: EnumBooleanBody | EnumNumberBody | EnumStringBody | EnumSymbolBody;
interface EnumBooleanBody extends BaseNode {
type: "EnumBooleanBody";
members: Array<EnumBooleanMember>;
explicitType: boolean;
hasUnknownMembers: boolean;
interface EnumNumberBody extends BaseNode {
type: "EnumNumberBody";
members: Array<EnumNumberMember>;
explicitType: boolean;
hasUnknownMembers: boolean;
interface EnumStringBody extends BaseNode {
type: "EnumStringBody";
members: Array<EnumStringMember | EnumDefaultedMember>;
explicitType: boolean;
hasUnknownMembers: boolean;
interface EnumSymbolBody extends BaseNode {
type: "EnumSymbolBody";
members: Array<EnumDefaultedMember>;
hasUnknownMembers: boolean;
interface EnumBooleanMember extends BaseNode {
type: "EnumBooleanMember";
id: Identifier;
init: BooleanLiteral;
interface EnumNumberMember extends BaseNode {
type: "EnumNumberMember";
id: Identifier;
init: NumericLiteral;
interface EnumStringMember extends BaseNode {
type: "EnumStringMember";
id: Identifier;
init: StringLiteral;
interface EnumDefaultedMember extends BaseNode {
type: "EnumDefaultedMember";
id: Identifier;
interface JSXAttribute extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXAttribute";
name: JSXIdentifier | JSXNamespacedName;
value?: JSXElement | JSXFragment | StringLiteral | JSXExpressionContainer | null;
interface JSXClosingElement extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXClosingElement";
name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName;
interface JSXElement extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXElement";
openingElement: JSXOpeningElement;
closingElement?: JSXClosingElement | null;
children: Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment>;
selfClosing?: boolean | null;
interface JSXEmptyExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXEmptyExpression";
interface JSXExpressionContainer extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXExpressionContainer";
expression: Expression | JSXEmptyExpression;
interface JSXSpreadChild extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXSpreadChild";
expression: Expression;
interface JSXIdentifier extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXIdentifier";
name: string;
interface JSXMemberExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXMemberExpression";
object: JSXMemberExpression | JSXIdentifier;
property: JSXIdentifier;
interface JSXNamespacedName extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXNamespacedName";
namespace: JSXIdentifier;
name: JSXIdentifier;
interface JSXOpeningElement extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXOpeningElement";
name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName;
attributes: Array<JSXAttribute | JSXSpreadAttribute>;
selfClosing: boolean;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface JSXSpreadAttribute extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXSpreadAttribute";
argument: Expression;
interface JSXText extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXText";
value: string;
interface JSXFragment extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXFragment";
openingFragment: JSXOpeningFragment;
closingFragment: JSXClosingFragment;
children: Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment>;
interface JSXOpeningFragment extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXOpeningFragment";
interface JSXClosingFragment extends BaseNode {
type: "JSXClosingFragment";
interface Noop extends BaseNode {
type: "Noop";
interface Placeholder extends BaseNode {
type: "Placeholder";
expectedNode: "Identifier" | "StringLiteral" | "Expression" | "Statement" | "Declaration" | "BlockStatement" | "ClassBody" | "Pattern";
name: Identifier;
interface V8IntrinsicIdentifier extends BaseNode {
type: "V8IntrinsicIdentifier";
name: string;
interface ArgumentPlaceholder extends BaseNode {
type: "ArgumentPlaceholder";
interface BindExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "BindExpression";
object: Expression;
callee: Expression;
interface ClassProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassProperty";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression;
value?: Expression | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
computed?: boolean;
static?: boolean;
abstract?: boolean | null;
accessibility?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
declare?: boolean | null;
definite?: boolean | null;
optional?: boolean | null;
readonly?: boolean | null;
interface PipelineTopicExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "PipelineTopicExpression";
expression: Expression;
interface PipelineBareFunction extends BaseNode {
type: "PipelineBareFunction";
callee: Expression;
interface PipelinePrimaryTopicReference extends BaseNode {
type: "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference";
interface ClassPrivateProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassPrivateProperty";
key: PrivateName;
value?: Expression | null;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
static: any;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
interface ClassPrivateMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassPrivateMethod";
kind?: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor";
key: PrivateName;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
body: BlockStatement;
static?: boolean;
abstract?: boolean | null;
access?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
accessibility?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
async?: boolean;
computed?: boolean;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
generator?: boolean;
optional?: boolean | null;
returnType?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
interface ImportAttribute extends BaseNode {
type: "ImportAttribute";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral;
value: StringLiteral;
interface Decorator extends BaseNode {
type: "Decorator";
expression: Expression;
interface DoExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "DoExpression";
body: BlockStatement;
interface ExportDefaultSpecifier extends BaseNode {
type: "ExportDefaultSpecifier";
exported: Identifier;
interface PrivateName extends BaseNode {
type: "PrivateName";
id: Identifier;
interface RecordExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "RecordExpression";
properties: Array<ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>;
interface TupleExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "TupleExpression";
elements: Array<Expression | SpreadElement>;
interface DecimalLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "DecimalLiteral";
value: string;
interface StaticBlock extends BaseNode {
type: "StaticBlock";
body: Array<Statement>;
interface ModuleExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "ModuleExpression";
body: Program;
interface TSParameterProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "TSParameterProperty";
parameter: Identifier | AssignmentPattern;
accessibility?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
readonly?: boolean | null;
interface TSDeclareFunction extends BaseNode {
type: "TSDeclareFunction";
id?: Identifier | null;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
async?: boolean;
declare?: boolean | null;
generator?: boolean;
interface TSDeclareMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "TSDeclareMethod";
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
abstract?: boolean | null;
access?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
accessibility?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
async?: boolean;
computed?: boolean;
generator?: boolean;
kind?: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor";
optional?: boolean | null;
static?: boolean;
interface TSQualifiedName extends BaseNode {
type: "TSQualifiedName";
left: TSEntityName;
right: Identifier;
interface TSCallSignatureDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "TSCallSignatureDeclaration";
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null;
parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>;
typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
interface TSConstructSignatureDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration";
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null;
parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>;
typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
interface TSPropertySignature extends BaseNode {
type: "TSPropertySignature";
key: Expression;
typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
initializer?: Expression | null;
computed?: boolean | null;
optional?: boolean | null;
readonly?: boolean | null;
interface TSMethodSignature extends BaseNode {
type: "TSMethodSignature";
key: Expression;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null;
parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>;
typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
computed?: boolean | null;
optional?: boolean | null;
interface TSIndexSignature extends BaseNode {
type: "TSIndexSignature";
parameters: Array<Identifier>;
typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
readonly?: boolean | null;
interface TSAnyKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSAnyKeyword";
interface TSBooleanKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSBooleanKeyword";
interface TSBigIntKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSBigIntKeyword";
interface TSIntrinsicKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSIntrinsicKeyword";
interface TSNeverKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSNeverKeyword";
interface TSNullKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSNullKeyword";
interface TSNumberKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSNumberKeyword";
interface TSObjectKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSObjectKeyword";
interface TSStringKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSStringKeyword";
interface TSSymbolKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSSymbolKeyword";
interface TSUndefinedKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSUndefinedKeyword";
interface TSUnknownKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSUnknownKeyword";
interface TSVoidKeyword extends BaseNode {
type: "TSVoidKeyword";
interface TSThisType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSThisType";
interface TSFunctionType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSFunctionType";
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null;
parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>;
typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
interface TSConstructorType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSConstructorType";
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null;
parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>;
typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
abstract?: boolean | null;
interface TSTypeReference extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypeReference";
typeName: TSEntityName;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface TSTypePredicate extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypePredicate";
parameterName: Identifier | TSThisType;
typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
asserts?: boolean | null;
interface TSTypeQuery extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypeQuery";
exprName: TSEntityName | TSImportType;
interface TSTypeLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypeLiteral";
members: Array<TSTypeElement>;
interface TSArrayType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSArrayType";
elementType: TSType;
interface TSTupleType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTupleType";
elementTypes: Array<TSType | TSNamedTupleMember>;
interface TSOptionalType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSOptionalType";
typeAnnotation: TSType;
interface TSRestType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSRestType";
typeAnnotation: TSType;
interface TSNamedTupleMember extends BaseNode {
type: "TSNamedTupleMember";
label: Identifier;
elementType: TSType;
optional: boolean;
interface TSUnionType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSUnionType";
types: Array<TSType>;
interface TSIntersectionType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSIntersectionType";
types: Array<TSType>;
interface TSConditionalType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSConditionalType";
checkType: TSType;
extendsType: TSType;
trueType: TSType;
falseType: TSType;
interface TSInferType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSInferType";
typeParameter: TSTypeParameter;
interface TSParenthesizedType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSParenthesizedType";
typeAnnotation: TSType;
interface TSTypeOperator extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypeOperator";
typeAnnotation: TSType;
operator: string;
interface TSIndexedAccessType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSIndexedAccessType";
objectType: TSType;
indexType: TSType;
interface TSMappedType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSMappedType";
typeParameter: TSTypeParameter;
typeAnnotation?: TSType | null;
nameType?: TSType | null;
optional?: boolean | null;
readonly?: boolean | null;
interface TSLiteralType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSLiteralType";
literal: NumericLiteral | StringLiteral | BooleanLiteral | BigIntLiteral;
interface TSExpressionWithTypeArguments extends BaseNode {
type: "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments";
expression: TSEntityName;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface TSInterfaceDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "TSInterfaceDeclaration";
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null;
extends?: Array<TSExpressionWithTypeArguments> | null;
body: TSInterfaceBody;
declare?: boolean | null;
interface TSInterfaceBody extends BaseNode {
type: "TSInterfaceBody";
body: Array<TSTypeElement>;
interface TSTypeAliasDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypeAliasDeclaration";
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null;
typeAnnotation: TSType;
declare?: boolean | null;
interface TSAsExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "TSAsExpression";
expression: Expression;
typeAnnotation: TSType;
interface TSTypeAssertion extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypeAssertion";
typeAnnotation: TSType;
expression: Expression;
interface TSEnumDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "TSEnumDeclaration";
id: Identifier;
members: Array<TSEnumMember>;
const?: boolean | null;
declare?: boolean | null;
initializer?: Expression | null;
interface TSEnumMember extends BaseNode {
type: "TSEnumMember";
id: Identifier | StringLiteral;
initializer?: Expression | null;
interface TSModuleDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "TSModuleDeclaration";
id: Identifier | StringLiteral;
body: TSModuleBlock | TSModuleDeclaration;
declare?: boolean | null;
global?: boolean | null;
interface TSModuleBlock extends BaseNode {
type: "TSModuleBlock";
body: Array<Statement>;
interface TSImportType extends BaseNode {
type: "TSImportType";
argument: StringLiteral;
qualifier?: TSEntityName | null;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface TSImportEqualsDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "TSImportEqualsDeclaration";
id: Identifier;
moduleReference: TSEntityName | TSExternalModuleReference;
isExport: boolean;
interface TSExternalModuleReference extends BaseNode {
type: "TSExternalModuleReference";
expression: StringLiteral;
interface TSNonNullExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "TSNonNullExpression";
expression: Expression;
interface TSExportAssignment extends BaseNode {
type: "TSExportAssignment";
expression: Expression;
interface TSNamespaceExportDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration";
id: Identifier;
interface TSTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypeAnnotation";
typeAnnotation: TSType;
interface TSTypeParameterInstantiation extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation";
params: Array<TSType>;
interface TSTypeParameterDeclaration extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypeParameterDeclaration";
params: Array<TSTypeParameter>;
interface TSTypeParameter extends BaseNode {
type: "TSTypeParameter";
constraint?: TSType | null;
default?: TSType | null;
name: string;
declare type Expression = ArrayExpression | AssignmentExpression | BinaryExpression | CallExpression | ConditionalExpression | FunctionExpression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | RegExpLiteral | LogicalExpression | MemberExpression | NewExpression | ObjectExpression | SequenceExpression | ParenthesizedExpression | ThisExpression | UnaryExpression | UpdateExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassExpression | MetaProperty | Super | TaggedTemplateExpression | TemplateLiteral | YieldExpression | AwaitExpression | Import | BigIntLiteral | OptionalMemberExpression | OptionalCallExpression | TypeCastExpression | JSXElement | JSXFragment | BindExpression | PipelinePrimaryTopicReference | DoExpression | RecordExpression | TupleExpression | DecimalLiteral | ModuleExpression | TSAsExpression | TSTypeAssertion | TSNonNullExpression;
declare type Binary = BinaryExpression | LogicalExpression;
declare type Scopable = BlockStatement | CatchClause | DoWhileStatement | ForInStatement | ForStatement | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | Program | ObjectMethod | SwitchStatement | WhileStatement | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration | ForOfStatement | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | StaticBlock | TSModuleBlock;
declare type BlockParent = BlockStatement | CatchClause | DoWhileStatement | ForInStatement | ForStatement | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | Program | ObjectMethod | SwitchStatement | WhileStatement | ArrowFunctionExpression | ForOfStatement | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | StaticBlock | TSModuleBlock;
declare type Block = BlockStatement | Program | TSModuleBlock;
declare type Statement = BlockStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | DebuggerStatement | DoWhileStatement | EmptyStatement | ExpressionStatement | ForInStatement | ForStatement | FunctionDeclaration | IfStatement | LabeledStatement | ReturnStatement | SwitchStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | VariableDeclaration | WhileStatement | WithStatement | ClassDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ForOfStatement | ImportDeclaration | DeclareClass | DeclareFunction | DeclareInterface | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareOpaqueType | DeclareVariable | DeclareExportDeclaration | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | OpaqueType | TypeAlias | EnumDeclaration | TSDeclareFunction | TSInterfaceDeclaration | TSTypeAliasDeclaration | TSEnumDeclaration | TSModuleDeclaration | TSImportEqualsDeclaration | TSExportAssignment | TSNamespaceExportDeclaration;
declare type Terminatorless = BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | ReturnStatement | ThrowStatement | YieldExpression | AwaitExpression;
declare type CompletionStatement = BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | ReturnStatement | ThrowStatement;
declare type Conditional = ConditionalExpression | IfStatement;
declare type Loop = DoWhileStatement | ForInStatement | ForStatement | WhileStatement | ForOfStatement;
declare type While = DoWhileStatement | WhileStatement;
declare type ExpressionWrapper = ExpressionStatement | ParenthesizedExpression | TypeCastExpression;
declare type For = ForInStatement | ForStatement | ForOfStatement;
declare type ForXStatement = ForInStatement | ForOfStatement;
declare type Function = FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ObjectMethod | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod;
declare type FunctionParent = FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ObjectMethod | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod;
declare type Pureish = FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | RegExpLiteral | ArrowFunctionExpression | BigIntLiteral | DecimalLiteral;
declare type Declaration = FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ImportDeclaration | DeclareClass | DeclareFunction | DeclareInterface | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareOpaqueType | DeclareVariable | DeclareExportDeclaration | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | OpaqueType | TypeAlias | EnumDeclaration | TSDeclareFunction | TSInterfaceDeclaration | TSTypeAliasDeclaration | TSEnumDeclaration | TSModuleDeclaration;
declare type PatternLike = Identifier | RestElement | AssignmentPattern | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern;
declare type LVal = Identifier | MemberExpression | RestElement | AssignmentPattern | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern | TSParameterProperty;
declare type TSEntityName = Identifier | TSQualifiedName;
declare type Literal = StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | RegExpLiteral | TemplateLiteral | BigIntLiteral | DecimalLiteral;
declare type Immutable = StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | BigIntLiteral | JSXAttribute | JSXClosingElement | JSXElement | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXOpeningElement | JSXText | JSXFragment | JSXOpeningFragment | JSXClosingFragment | DecimalLiteral;
declare type UserWhitespacable = ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | ObjectTypeInternalSlot | ObjectTypeCallProperty | ObjectTypeIndexer | ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty;
declare type Method = ObjectMethod | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod;
declare type ObjectMember = ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty;
declare type Property = ObjectProperty | ClassProperty | ClassPrivateProperty;
declare type UnaryLike = UnaryExpression | SpreadElement;
declare type Pattern = AssignmentPattern | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern;
declare type Class = ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration;
declare type ModuleDeclaration = ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ImportDeclaration;
declare type ExportDeclaration = ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration;
declare type ModuleSpecifier = ExportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier | ImportSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier | ExportDefaultSpecifier;
declare type Flow = AnyTypeAnnotation | ArrayTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | ClassImplements | DeclareClass | DeclareFunction | DeclareInterface | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareOpaqueType | DeclareVariable | DeclareExportDeclaration | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | DeclaredPredicate | ExistsTypeAnnotation | FunctionTypeAnnotation | FunctionTypeParam | GenericTypeAnnotation | InferredPredicate | InterfaceExtends | InterfaceDeclaration | InterfaceTypeAnnotation | IntersectionTypeAnnotation | MixedTypeAnnotation | EmptyTypeAnnotation | NullableTypeAnnotation | NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeInternalSlot | ObjectTypeCallProperty | ObjectTypeIndexer | ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty | OpaqueType | QualifiedTypeIdentifier | StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | StringTypeAnnotation | SymbolTypeAnnotation | ThisTypeAnnotation | TupleTypeAnnotation | TypeofTypeAnnotation | TypeAlias | TypeAnnotation | TypeCastExpression | TypeParameter | TypeParameterDeclaration | TypeParameterInstantiation | UnionTypeAnnotation | Variance | VoidTypeAnnotation;
declare type FlowType = AnyTypeAnnotation | ArrayTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | ExistsTypeAnnotation | FunctionTypeAnnotation | GenericTypeAnnotation | InterfaceTypeAnnotation | IntersectionTypeAnnotation | MixedTypeAnnotation | EmptyTypeAnnotation | NullableTypeAnnotation | NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeAnnotation | StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | StringTypeAnnotation | SymbolTypeAnnotation | ThisTypeAnnotation | TupleTypeAnnotation | TypeofTypeAnnotation | UnionTypeAnnotation | VoidTypeAnnotation;
declare type FlowBaseAnnotation = AnyTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | MixedTypeAnnotation | EmptyTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | StringTypeAnnotation | SymbolTypeAnnotation | ThisTypeAnnotation | VoidTypeAnnotation;
declare type FlowDeclaration = DeclareClass | DeclareFunction | DeclareInterface | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareOpaqueType | DeclareVariable | DeclareExportDeclaration | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | OpaqueType | TypeAlias;
declare type FlowPredicate = DeclaredPredicate | InferredPredicate;
declare type EnumBody = EnumBooleanBody | EnumNumberBody | EnumStringBody | EnumSymbolBody;
declare type EnumMember = EnumBooleanMember | EnumNumberMember | EnumStringMember | EnumDefaultedMember;
declare type JSX = JSXAttribute | JSXClosingElement | JSXElement | JSXEmptyExpression | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName | JSXOpeningElement | JSXSpreadAttribute | JSXText | JSXFragment | JSXOpeningFragment | JSXClosingFragment;
declare type Private = ClassPrivateProperty | ClassPrivateMethod | PrivateName;
declare type TSTypeElement = TSCallSignatureDeclaration | TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | TSPropertySignature | TSMethodSignature | TSIndexSignature;
declare type TSType = TSAnyKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSBigIntKeyword | TSIntrinsicKeyword | TSNeverKeyword | TSNullKeyword | TSNumberKeyword | TSObjectKeyword | TSStringKeyword | TSSymbolKeyword | TSUndefinedKeyword | TSUnknownKeyword | TSVoidKeyword | TSThisType | TSFunctionType | TSConstructorType | TSTypeReference | TSTypePredicate | TSTypeQuery | TSTypeLiteral | TSArrayType | TSTupleType | TSOptionalType | TSRestType | TSUnionType | TSIntersectionType | TSConditionalType | TSInferType | TSParenthesizedType | TSTypeOperator | TSIndexedAccessType | TSMappedType | TSLiteralType | TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | TSImportType;
declare type TSBaseType = TSAnyKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSBigIntKeyword | TSIntrinsicKeyword | TSNeverKeyword | TSNullKeyword | TSNumberKeyword | TSObjectKeyword | TSStringKeyword | TSSymbolKeyword | TSUndefinedKeyword | TSUnknownKeyword | TSVoidKeyword | TSThisType | TSLiteralType;
interface Aliases {
Expression: Expression;
Binary: Binary;
Scopable: Scopable;
BlockParent: BlockParent;
Block: Block;
Statement: Statement;
Terminatorless: Terminatorless;
CompletionStatement: CompletionStatement;
Conditional: Conditional;
Loop: Loop;
While: While;
ExpressionWrapper: ExpressionWrapper;
For: For;
ForXStatement: ForXStatement;
Function: Function;
FunctionParent: FunctionParent;
Pureish: Pureish;
Declaration: Declaration;
PatternLike: PatternLike;
LVal: LVal;
TSEntityName: TSEntityName;
Literal: Literal;
Immutable: Immutable;
UserWhitespacable: UserWhitespacable;
Method: Method;
ObjectMember: ObjectMember;
Property: Property;
UnaryLike: UnaryLike;
Pattern: Pattern;
Class: Class;
ModuleDeclaration: ModuleDeclaration;
ExportDeclaration: ExportDeclaration;
ModuleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier;
Flow: Flow;
FlowType: FlowType;
FlowBaseAnnotation: FlowBaseAnnotation;
FlowDeclaration: FlowDeclaration;
FlowPredicate: FlowPredicate;
EnumBody: EnumBody;
EnumMember: EnumMember;
Private: Private;
TSTypeElement: TSTypeElement;
TSType: TSType;
TSBaseType: TSBaseType;
declare function isCompatTag(tagName?: string): boolean;
declare type ReturnedChild = JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment | Expression;
declare function buildChildren(node: {
children: ReadonlyArray<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment | JSXEmptyExpression>;
}): ReturnedChild[];
declare function assertNode(node?: any): asserts node is Node;
declare function assertArrayExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ArrayExpression;
declare function assertAssignmentExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is AssignmentExpression;
declare function assertBinaryExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BinaryExpression;
declare function assertInterpreterDirective(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is InterpreterDirective;
declare function assertDirective(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Directive;
declare function assertDirectiveLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DirectiveLiteral;
declare function assertBlockStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BlockStatement;
declare function assertBreakStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BreakStatement;
declare function assertCallExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is CallExpression;
declare function assertCatchClause(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is CatchClause;
declare function assertConditionalExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ConditionalExpression;
declare function assertContinueStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ContinueStatement;
declare function assertDebuggerStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DebuggerStatement;
declare function assertDoWhileStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DoWhileStatement;
declare function assertEmptyStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EmptyStatement;
declare function assertExpressionStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExpressionStatement;
declare function assertFile(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is File;
declare function assertForInStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ForInStatement;
declare function assertForStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ForStatement;
declare function assertFunctionDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FunctionDeclaration;
declare function assertFunctionExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FunctionExpression;
declare function assertIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Identifier;
declare function assertIfStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is IfStatement;
declare function assertLabeledStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is LabeledStatement;
declare function assertStringLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is StringLiteral;
declare function assertNumericLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NumericLiteral;
declare function assertNullLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NullLiteral;
declare function assertBooleanLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BooleanLiteral;
declare function assertRegExpLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is RegExpLiteral;
declare function assertLogicalExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is LogicalExpression;
declare function assertMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is MemberExpression;
declare function assertNewExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NewExpression;
declare function assertProgram(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Program;
declare function assertObjectExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectExpression;
declare function assertObjectMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectMethod;
declare function assertObjectProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectProperty;
declare function assertRestElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is RestElement;
declare function assertReturnStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ReturnStatement;
declare function assertSequenceExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is SequenceExpression;
declare function assertParenthesizedExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ParenthesizedExpression;
declare function assertSwitchCase(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is SwitchCase;
declare function assertSwitchStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is SwitchStatement;
declare function assertThisExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ThisExpression;
declare function assertThrowStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ThrowStatement;
declare function assertTryStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TryStatement;
declare function assertUnaryExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is UnaryExpression;
declare function assertUpdateExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is UpdateExpression;
declare function assertVariableDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is VariableDeclaration;
declare function assertVariableDeclarator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is VariableDeclarator;
declare function assertWhileStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is WhileStatement;
declare function assertWithStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is WithStatement;
declare function assertAssignmentPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is AssignmentPattern;
declare function assertArrayPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ArrayPattern;
declare function assertArrowFunctionExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ArrowFunctionExpression;
declare function assertClassBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassBody;
declare function assertClassExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassExpression;
declare function assertClassDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassDeclaration;
declare function assertExportAllDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportAllDeclaration;
declare function assertExportDefaultDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportDefaultDeclaration;
declare function assertExportNamedDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportNamedDeclaration;
declare function assertExportSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportSpecifier;
declare function assertForOfStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ForOfStatement;
declare function assertImportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportDeclaration;
declare function assertImportDefaultSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportDefaultSpecifier;
declare function assertImportNamespaceSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare function assertImportSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportSpecifier;
declare function assertMetaProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is MetaProperty;
declare function assertClassMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassMethod;
declare function assertObjectPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectPattern;
declare function assertSpreadElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is SpreadElement;
declare function assertSuper(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Super;
declare function assertTaggedTemplateExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TaggedTemplateExpression;
declare function assertTemplateElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TemplateElement;
declare function assertTemplateLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TemplateLiteral;
declare function assertYieldExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is YieldExpression;
declare function assertAwaitExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is AwaitExpression;
declare function assertImport(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Import;
declare function assertBigIntLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BigIntLiteral;
declare function assertExportNamespaceSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare function assertOptionalMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is OptionalMemberExpression;
declare function assertOptionalCallExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is OptionalCallExpression;
declare function assertAnyTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is AnyTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertArrayTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ArrayTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertBooleanTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BooleanTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NullLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertClassImplements(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassImplements;
declare function assertDeclareClass(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareClass;
declare function assertDeclareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareFunction;
declare function assertDeclareInterface(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareInterface;
declare function assertDeclareModule(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareModule;
declare function assertDeclareModuleExports(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareModuleExports;
declare function assertDeclareTypeAlias(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareTypeAlias;
declare function assertDeclareOpaqueType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareOpaqueType;
declare function assertDeclareVariable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareVariable;
declare function assertDeclareExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareExportDeclaration;
declare function assertDeclareExportAllDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareExportAllDeclaration;
declare function assertDeclaredPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclaredPredicate;
declare function assertExistsTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExistsTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertFunctionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FunctionTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertFunctionTypeParam(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FunctionTypeParam;
declare function assertGenericTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is GenericTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertInferredPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is InferredPredicate;
declare function assertInterfaceExtends(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is InterfaceExtends;
declare function assertInterfaceDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is InterfaceDeclaration;
declare function assertInterfaceTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is InterfaceTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertIntersectionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is IntersectionTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertMixedTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is MixedTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertEmptyTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EmptyTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertNullableTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NullableTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertNumberTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NumberTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertObjectTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertObjectTypeInternalSlot(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeInternalSlot;
declare function assertObjectTypeCallProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeCallProperty;
declare function assertObjectTypeIndexer(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeIndexer;
declare function assertObjectTypeProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeProperty;
declare function assertObjectTypeSpreadProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeSpreadProperty;
declare function assertOpaqueType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is OpaqueType;
declare function assertQualifiedTypeIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
declare function assertStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is StringLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertStringTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is StringTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertSymbolTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is SymbolTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertThisTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ThisTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertTupleTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TupleTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertTypeofTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeofTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertTypeAlias(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeAlias;
declare function assertTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeAnnotation;
declare function assertTypeCastExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeCastExpression;
declare function assertTypeParameter(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeParameter;
declare function assertTypeParameterDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeParameterDeclaration;
declare function assertTypeParameterInstantiation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeParameterInstantiation;
declare function assertUnionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is UnionTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertVariance(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Variance;
declare function assertVoidTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is VoidTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertEnumDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumDeclaration;
declare function assertEnumBooleanBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumBooleanBody;
declare function assertEnumNumberBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumNumberBody;
declare function assertEnumStringBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumStringBody;
declare function assertEnumSymbolBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumSymbolBody;
declare function assertEnumBooleanMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumBooleanMember;
declare function assertEnumNumberMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumNumberMember;
declare function assertEnumStringMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumStringMember;
declare function assertEnumDefaultedMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumDefaultedMember;
declare function assertJSXAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXAttribute;
declare function assertJSXClosingElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXClosingElement;
declare function assertJSXElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXElement;
declare function assertJSXEmptyExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXEmptyExpression;
declare function assertJSXExpressionContainer(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXExpressionContainer;
declare function assertJSXSpreadChild(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXSpreadChild;
declare function assertJSXIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXIdentifier;
declare function assertJSXMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXMemberExpression;
declare function assertJSXNamespacedName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXNamespacedName;
declare function assertJSXOpeningElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXOpeningElement;
declare function assertJSXSpreadAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXSpreadAttribute;
declare function assertJSXText(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXText;
declare function assertJSXFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXFragment;
declare function assertJSXOpeningFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXOpeningFragment;
declare function assertJSXClosingFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXClosingFragment;
declare function assertNoop(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Noop;
declare function assertPlaceholder(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Placeholder;
declare function assertV8IntrinsicIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is V8IntrinsicIdentifier;
declare function assertArgumentPlaceholder(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ArgumentPlaceholder;
declare function assertBindExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BindExpression;
declare function assertClassProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassProperty;
declare function assertPipelineTopicExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is PipelineTopicExpression;
declare function assertPipelineBareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is PipelineBareFunction;
declare function assertPipelinePrimaryTopicReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is PipelinePrimaryTopicReference;
declare function assertClassPrivateProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassPrivateProperty;
declare function assertClassPrivateMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassPrivateMethod;
declare function assertImportAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportAttribute;
declare function assertDecorator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Decorator;
declare function assertDoExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DoExpression;
declare function assertExportDefaultSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportDefaultSpecifier;
declare function assertPrivateName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is PrivateName;
declare function assertRecordExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is RecordExpression;
declare function assertTupleExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TupleExpression;
declare function assertDecimalLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DecimalLiteral;
declare function assertStaticBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is StaticBlock;
declare function assertModuleExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ModuleExpression;
declare function assertTSParameterProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSParameterProperty;
declare function assertTSDeclareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSDeclareFunction;
declare function assertTSDeclareMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSDeclareMethod;
declare function assertTSQualifiedName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSQualifiedName;
declare function assertTSCallSignatureDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSCallSignatureDeclaration;
declare function assertTSConstructSignatureDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSConstructSignatureDeclaration;
declare function assertTSPropertySignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSPropertySignature;
declare function assertTSMethodSignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSMethodSignature;
declare function assertTSIndexSignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSIndexSignature;
declare function assertTSAnyKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSAnyKeyword;
declare function assertTSBooleanKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSBooleanKeyword;
declare function assertTSBigIntKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSBigIntKeyword;
declare function assertTSIntrinsicKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSIntrinsicKeyword;
declare function assertTSNeverKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNeverKeyword;
declare function assertTSNullKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNullKeyword;
declare function assertTSNumberKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNumberKeyword;
declare function assertTSObjectKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSObjectKeyword;
declare function assertTSStringKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSStringKeyword;
declare function assertTSSymbolKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSSymbolKeyword;
declare function assertTSUndefinedKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSUndefinedKeyword;
declare function assertTSUnknownKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSUnknownKeyword;
declare function assertTSVoidKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSVoidKeyword;
declare function assertTSThisType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSThisType;
declare function assertTSFunctionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSFunctionType;
declare function assertTSConstructorType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSConstructorType;
declare function assertTSTypeReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeReference;
declare function assertTSTypePredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypePredicate;
declare function assertTSTypeQuery(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeQuery;
declare function assertTSTypeLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeLiteral;
declare function assertTSArrayType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSArrayType;
declare function assertTSTupleType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTupleType;
declare function assertTSOptionalType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSOptionalType;
declare function assertTSRestType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSRestType;
declare function assertTSNamedTupleMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNamedTupleMember;
declare function assertTSUnionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSUnionType;
declare function assertTSIntersectionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSIntersectionType;
declare function assertTSConditionalType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSConditionalType;
declare function assertTSInferType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSInferType;
declare function assertTSParenthesizedType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSParenthesizedType;
declare function assertTSTypeOperator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeOperator;
declare function assertTSIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSIndexedAccessType;
declare function assertTSMappedType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSMappedType;
declare function assertTSLiteralType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSLiteralType;
declare function assertTSExpressionWithTypeArguments(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSExpressionWithTypeArguments;
declare function assertTSInterfaceDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSInterfaceDeclaration;
declare function assertTSInterfaceBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSInterfaceBody;
declare function assertTSTypeAliasDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeAliasDeclaration;
declare function assertTSAsExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSAsExpression;
declare function assertTSTypeAssertion(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeAssertion;
declare function assertTSEnumDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSEnumDeclaration;
declare function assertTSEnumMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSEnumMember;
declare function assertTSModuleDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSModuleDeclaration;
declare function assertTSModuleBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSModuleBlock;
declare function assertTSImportType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSImportType;
declare function assertTSImportEqualsDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSImportEqualsDeclaration;
declare function assertTSExternalModuleReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSExternalModuleReference;
declare function assertTSNonNullExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNonNullExpression;
declare function assertTSExportAssignment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSExportAssignment;
declare function assertTSNamespaceExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNamespaceExportDeclaration;
declare function assertTSTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeAnnotation;
declare function assertTSTypeParameterInstantiation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeParameterInstantiation;
declare function assertTSTypeParameterDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeParameterDeclaration;
declare function assertTSTypeParameter(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeParameter;
declare function assertExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Expression;
declare function assertBinary(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Binary;
declare function assertScopable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Scopable;
declare function assertBlockParent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BlockParent;
declare function assertBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Block;
declare function assertStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Statement;
declare function assertTerminatorless(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Terminatorless;
declare function assertCompletionStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is CompletionStatement;
declare function assertConditional(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Conditional;
declare function assertLoop(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Loop;
declare function assertWhile(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is While;
declare function assertExpressionWrapper(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExpressionWrapper;
declare function assertFor(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is For;
declare function assertForXStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ForXStatement;
declare function assertFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Function;
declare function assertFunctionParent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FunctionParent;
declare function assertPureish(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Pureish;
declare function assertDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Declaration;
declare function assertPatternLike(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is PatternLike;
declare function assertLVal(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is LVal;
declare function assertTSEntityName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSEntityName;
declare function assertLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Literal;
declare function assertImmutable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Immutable;
declare function assertUserWhitespacable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is UserWhitespacable;
declare function assertMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Method;
declare function assertObjectMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectMember;
declare function assertProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Property;
declare function assertUnaryLike(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is UnaryLike;
declare function assertPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Pattern;
declare function assertClass(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Class;
declare function assertModuleDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ModuleDeclaration;
declare function assertExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportDeclaration;
declare function assertModuleSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ModuleSpecifier;
declare function assertFlow(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Flow;
declare function assertFlowType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FlowType;
declare function assertFlowBaseAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FlowBaseAnnotation;
declare function assertFlowDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FlowDeclaration;
declare function assertFlowPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FlowPredicate;
declare function assertEnumBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumBody;
declare function assertEnumMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumMember;
declare function assertJSX(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSX;
declare function assertPrivate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Private;
declare function assertTSTypeElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeElement;
declare function assertTSType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSType;
declare function assertTSBaseType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSBaseType;
declare function assertNumberLiteral(node: any, opts: any): void;
declare function assertRegexLiteral(node: any, opts: any): void;
declare function assertRestProperty(node: any, opts: any): void;
declare function assertSpreadProperty(node: any, opts: any): void;
* Create a type annotation based on typeof expression.
declare function createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof(type: "string" | "number" | "undefined" | "boolean" | "function" | "object" | "symbol"): StringTypeAnnotation | VoidTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | GenericTypeAnnotation | AnyTypeAnnotation;
* Takes an array of `types` and flattens them, removing duplicates and
* returns a `UnionTypeAnnotation` node containing them.
declare function createFlowUnionType<T extends FlowType>(types: [T] | Array<T>): T | UnionTypeAnnotation;
* Takes an array of `types` and flattens them, removing duplicates and
* returns a `UnionTypeAnnotation` node containing them.
declare function createTSUnionType(typeAnnotations: Array<TSTypeAnnotation>): TSType;
declare function arrayExpression(elements?: Array<null | Expression | SpreadElement>): ArrayExpression;
declare function assignmentExpression(operator: string, left: LVal, right: Expression): AssignmentExpression;
declare function binaryExpression(operator: "+" | "-" | "/" | "%" | "*" | "**" | "&" | "|" | ">>" | ">>>" | "<<" | "^" | "==" | "===" | "!=" | "!==" | "in" | "instanceof" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=", left: Expression | PrivateName, right: Expression): BinaryExpression;
declare function interpreterDirective(value: string): InterpreterDirective;
declare function directive(value: DirectiveLiteral): Directive;
declare function directiveLiteral(value: string): DirectiveLiteral;
declare function blockStatement(body: Array<Statement>, directives?: Array<Directive>): BlockStatement;
declare function breakStatement(label?: Identifier | null): BreakStatement;
declare function callExpression(callee: Expression | V8IntrinsicIdentifier, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>): CallExpression;
declare function catchClause(param: Identifier | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern | null | undefined, body: BlockStatement): CatchClause;
declare function conditionalExpression(test: Expression, consequent: Expression, alternate: Expression): ConditionalExpression;
declare function continueStatement(label?: Identifier | null): ContinueStatement;
declare function debuggerStatement(): DebuggerStatement;
declare function doWhileStatement(test: Expression, body: Statement): DoWhileStatement;
declare function emptyStatement(): EmptyStatement;
declare function expressionStatement(expression: Expression): ExpressionStatement;
declare function file(program: Program, comments?: Array<CommentBlock | CommentLine> | null, tokens?: Array<any> | null): File;
declare function forInStatement(left: VariableDeclaration | LVal, right: Expression, body: Statement): ForInStatement;
declare function forStatement(init: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null | undefined, test: Expression | null | undefined, update: Expression | null | undefined, body: Statement): ForStatement;
declare function functionDeclaration(id: Identifier | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): FunctionDeclaration;
declare function functionExpression(id: Identifier | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): FunctionExpression;
declare function identifier(name: string): Identifier;
declare function ifStatement(test: Expression, consequent: Statement, alternate?: Statement | null): IfStatement;
declare function labeledStatement(label: Identifier, body: Statement): LabeledStatement;
declare function stringLiteral(value: string): StringLiteral;
declare function numericLiteral(value: number): NumericLiteral;
declare function nullLiteral(): NullLiteral;
declare function booleanLiteral(value: boolean): BooleanLiteral;
declare function regExpLiteral(pattern: string, flags?: string): RegExpLiteral;
declare function logicalExpression(operator: "||" | "&&" | "??", left: Expression, right: Expression): LogicalExpression;
declare function memberExpression(object: Expression, property: Expression | Identifier | PrivateName, computed?: boolean, optional?: true | false | null): MemberExpression;
declare function newExpression(callee: Expression | V8IntrinsicIdentifier, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>): NewExpression;
declare function program(body: Array<Statement>, directives?: Array<Directive>, sourceType?: "script" | "module", interpreter?: InterpreterDirective | null): Program;
declare function objectExpression(properties: Array<ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>): ObjectExpression;
declare function objectMethod(kind: "method" | "get" | "set" | undefined, key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ObjectMethod;
declare function objectProperty(key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral, value: Expression | PatternLike, computed?: boolean, shorthand?: boolean, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ObjectProperty;
declare function restElement(argument: LVal): RestElement;
declare function returnStatement(argument?: Expression | null): ReturnStatement;
declare function sequenceExpression(expressions: Array<Expression>): SequenceExpression;
declare function parenthesizedExpression(expression: Expression): ParenthesizedExpression;
declare function switchCase(test: Expression | null | undefined, consequent: Array<Statement>): SwitchCase;
declare function switchStatement(discriminant: Expression, cases: Array<SwitchCase>): SwitchStatement;
declare function thisExpression(): ThisExpression;
declare function throwStatement(argument: Expression): ThrowStatement;
declare function tryStatement(block: BlockStatement, handler?: CatchClause | null, finalizer?: BlockStatement | null): TryStatement;
declare function unaryExpression(operator: "void" | "throw" | "delete" | "!" | "+" | "-" | "~" | "typeof", argument: Expression, prefix?: boolean): UnaryExpression;
declare function updateExpression(operator: "++" | "--", argument: Expression, prefix?: boolean): UpdateExpression;
declare function variableDeclaration(kind: "var" | "let" | "const", declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>): VariableDeclaration;
declare function variableDeclarator(id: LVal, init?: Expression | null): VariableDeclarator;
declare function whileStatement(test: Expression, body: Statement): WhileStatement;
declare function withStatement(object: Expression, body: Statement): WithStatement;
declare function assignmentPattern(left: Identifier | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | MemberExpression, right: Expression): AssignmentPattern;
declare function arrayPattern(elements: Array<null | PatternLike>): ArrayPattern;
declare function arrowFunctionExpression(params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement | Expression, async?: boolean): ArrowFunctionExpression;
declare function classBody(body: Array<ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | ClassProperty | ClassPrivateProperty | TSDeclareMethod | TSIndexSignature>): ClassBody;
declare function classExpression(id: Identifier | null | undefined, superClass: Expression | null | undefined, body: ClassBody, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ClassExpression;
declare function classDeclaration(id: Identifier, superClass: Expression | null | undefined, body: ClassBody, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ClassDeclaration;
declare function exportAllDeclaration(source: StringLiteral): ExportAllDeclaration;
declare function exportDefaultDeclaration(declaration: FunctionDeclaration | TSDeclareFunction | ClassDeclaration | Expression): ExportDefaultDeclaration;
declare function exportNamedDeclaration(declaration?: Declaration | null, specifiers?: Array<ExportSpecifier | ExportDefaultSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier>, source?: StringLiteral | null): ExportNamedDeclaration;
declare function exportSpecifier(local: Identifier, exported: Identifier | StringLiteral): ExportSpecifier;
declare function forOfStatement(left: VariableDeclaration | LVal, right: Expression, body: Statement, _await?: boolean): ForOfStatement;
declare function importDeclaration(specifiers: Array<ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier>, source: StringLiteral): ImportDeclaration;
declare function importDefaultSpecifier(local: Identifier): ImportDefaultSpecifier;
declare function importNamespaceSpecifier(local: Identifier): ImportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare function importSpecifier(local: Identifier, imported: Identifier | StringLiteral): ImportSpecifier;
declare function metaProperty(meta: Identifier, property: Identifier): MetaProperty;
declare function classMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor" | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ClassMethod;
declare function objectPattern(properties: Array<RestElement | ObjectProperty>): ObjectPattern;
declare function spreadElement(argument: Expression): SpreadElement;
declare function _super(): Super;
declare function taggedTemplateExpression(tag: Expression, quasi: TemplateLiteral): TaggedTemplateExpression;
declare function templateElement(value: {
raw: string;
cooked?: string;
}, tail?: boolean): TemplateElement;
declare function templateLiteral(quasis: Array<TemplateElement>, expressions: Array<Expression | TSType>): TemplateLiteral;
declare function yieldExpression(argument?: Expression | null, delegate?: boolean): YieldExpression;
declare function awaitExpression(argument: Expression): AwaitExpression;
declare function _import(): Import;
declare function bigIntLiteral(value: string): BigIntLiteral;
declare function exportNamespaceSpecifier(exported: Identifier): ExportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare function optionalMemberExpression(object: Expression, property: Expression | Identifier, computed: boolean | undefined, optional: boolean): OptionalMemberExpression;
declare function optionalCallExpression(callee: Expression, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>, optional: boolean): OptionalCallExpression;
declare function anyTypeAnnotation(): AnyTypeAnnotation;
declare function arrayTypeAnnotation(elementType: FlowType): ArrayTypeAnnotation;
declare function booleanTypeAnnotation(): BooleanTypeAnnotation;
declare function booleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(value: boolean): BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function nullLiteralTypeAnnotation(): NullLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function classImplements(id: Identifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null): ClassImplements;
declare function declareClass(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): DeclareClass;
declare function declareFunction(id: Identifier): DeclareFunction;
declare function declareInterface(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): DeclareInterface;
declare function declareModule(id: Identifier | StringLiteral, body: BlockStatement, kind?: "CommonJS" | "ES" | null): DeclareModule;
declare function declareModuleExports(typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation): DeclareModuleExports;
declare function declareTypeAlias(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, right: FlowType): DeclareTypeAlias;
declare function declareOpaqueType(id: Identifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null, supertype?: FlowType | null): DeclareOpaqueType;
declare function declareVariable(id: Identifier): DeclareVariable;
declare function declareExportDeclaration(declaration?: Flow | null, specifiers?: Array<ExportSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier> | null, source?: StringLiteral | null): DeclareExportDeclaration;
declare function declareExportAllDeclaration(source: StringLiteral): DeclareExportAllDeclaration;
declare function declaredPredicate(value: Flow): DeclaredPredicate;
declare function existsTypeAnnotation(): ExistsTypeAnnotation;
declare function functionTypeAnnotation(typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, params: Array<FunctionTypeParam>, rest: FunctionTypeParam | null | undefined, returnType: FlowType): FunctionTypeAnnotation;
declare function functionTypeParam(name: Identifier | null | undefined, typeAnnotation: FlowType): FunctionTypeParam;
declare function genericTypeAnnotation(id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null): GenericTypeAnnotation;
declare function inferredPredicate(): InferredPredicate;
declare function interfaceExtends(id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null): InterfaceExtends;
declare function interfaceDeclaration(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): InterfaceDeclaration;
declare function interfaceTypeAnnotation(_extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): InterfaceTypeAnnotation;
declare function intersectionTypeAnnotation(types: Array<FlowType>): IntersectionTypeAnnotation;
declare function mixedTypeAnnotation(): MixedTypeAnnotation;
declare function emptyTypeAnnotation(): EmptyTypeAnnotation;
declare function nullableTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation: FlowType): NullableTypeAnnotation;
declare function numberLiteralTypeAnnotation(value: number): NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function numberTypeAnnotation(): NumberTypeAnnotation;
declare function objectTypeAnnotation(properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty>, indexers?: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer> | null, callProperties?: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty> | null, internalSlots?: Array<ObjectTypeInternalSlot> | null, exact?: boolean): ObjectTypeAnnotation;
declare function objectTypeInternalSlot(id: Identifier, value: FlowType, optional: boolean, _static: boolean, method: boolean): ObjectTypeInternalSlot;
declare function objectTypeCallProperty(value: FlowType): ObjectTypeCallProperty;
declare function objectTypeIndexer(id: Identifier | null | undefined, key: FlowType, value: FlowType, variance?: Variance | null): ObjectTypeIndexer;
declare function objectTypeProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral, value: FlowType, variance?: Variance | null): ObjectTypeProperty;
declare function objectTypeSpreadProperty(argument: FlowType): ObjectTypeSpreadProperty;
declare function opaqueType(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, supertype: FlowType | null | undefined, impltype: FlowType): OpaqueType;
declare function qualifiedTypeIdentifier(id: Identifier, qualification: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier): QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
declare function stringLiteralTypeAnnotation(value: string): StringLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function stringTypeAnnotation(): StringTypeAnnotation;
declare function symbolTypeAnnotation(): SymbolTypeAnnotation;
declare function thisTypeAnnotation(): ThisTypeAnnotation;
declare function tupleTypeAnnotation(types: Array<FlowType>): TupleTypeAnnotation;
declare function typeofTypeAnnotation(argument: FlowType): TypeofTypeAnnotation;
declare function typeAlias(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, right: FlowType): TypeAlias;
declare function typeAnnotation(typeAnnotation: FlowType): TypeAnnotation;
declare function typeCastExpression(expression: Expression, typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation): TypeCastExpression;
declare function typeParameter(bound?: TypeAnnotation | null, _default?: FlowType | null, variance?: Variance | null): TypeParameter;
declare function typeParameterDeclaration(params: Array<TypeParameter>): TypeParameterDeclaration;
declare function typeParameterInstantiation(params: Array<FlowType>): TypeParameterInstantiation;
declare function unionTypeAnnotation(types: Array<FlowType>): UnionTypeAnnotation;
declare function variance(kind: "minus" | "plus"): Variance;
declare function voidTypeAnnotation(): VoidTypeAnnotation;
declare function enumDeclaration(id: Identifier, body: EnumBooleanBody | EnumNumberBody | EnumStringBody | EnumSymbolBody): EnumDeclaration;
declare function enumBooleanBody(members: Array<EnumBooleanMember>): EnumBooleanBody;
declare function enumNumberBody(members: Array<EnumNumberMember>): EnumNumberBody;
declare function enumStringBody(members: Array<EnumStringMember | EnumDefaultedMember>): EnumStringBody;
declare function enumSymbolBody(members: Array<EnumDefaultedMember>): EnumSymbolBody;
declare function enumBooleanMember(id: Identifier): EnumBooleanMember;
declare function enumNumberMember(id: Identifier, init: NumericLiteral): EnumNumberMember;
declare function enumStringMember(id: Identifier, init: StringLiteral): EnumStringMember;
declare function enumDefaultedMember(id: Identifier): EnumDefaultedMember;
declare function jsxAttribute(name: JSXIdentifier | JSXNamespacedName, value?: JSXElement | JSXFragment | StringLiteral | JSXExpressionContainer | null): JSXAttribute;
declare function jsxClosingElement(name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName): JSXClosingElement;
declare function jsxElement(openingElement: JSXOpeningElement, closingElement: JSXClosingElement | null | undefined, children: Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment>, selfClosing?: boolean | null): JSXElement;
declare function jsxEmptyExpression(): JSXEmptyExpression;
declare function jsxExpressionContainer(expression: Expression | JSXEmptyExpression): JSXExpressionContainer;
declare function jsxSpreadChild(expression: Expression): JSXSpreadChild;
declare function jsxIdentifier(name: string): JSXIdentifier;
declare function jsxMemberExpression(object: JSXMemberExpression | JSXIdentifier, property: JSXIdentifier): JSXMemberExpression;
declare function jsxNamespacedName(namespace: JSXIdentifier, name: JSXIdentifier): JSXNamespacedName;
declare function jsxOpeningElement(name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName, attributes: Array<JSXAttribute | JSXSpreadAttribute>, selfClosing?: boolean): JSXOpeningElement;
declare function jsxSpreadAttribute(argument: Expression): JSXSpreadAttribute;
declare function jsxText(value: string): JSXText;
declare function jsxFragment(openingFragment: JSXOpeningFragment, closingFragment: JSXClosingFragment, children: Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment>): JSXFragment;
declare function jsxOpeningFragment(): JSXOpeningFragment;
declare function jsxClosingFragment(): JSXClosingFragment;
declare function noop(): Noop;
declare function placeholder(expectedNode: "Identifier" | "StringLiteral" | "Expression" | "Statement" | "Declaration" | "BlockStatement" | "ClassBody" | "Pattern", name: Identifier): Placeholder;
declare function v8IntrinsicIdentifier(name: string): V8IntrinsicIdentifier;
declare function argumentPlaceholder(): ArgumentPlaceholder;
declare function bindExpression(object: Expression, callee: Expression): BindExpression;
declare function classProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassProperty;
declare function pipelineTopicExpression(expression: Expression): PipelineTopicExpression;
declare function pipelineBareFunction(callee: Expression): PipelineBareFunction;
declare function pipelinePrimaryTopicReference(): PipelinePrimaryTopicReference;
declare function classPrivateProperty(key: PrivateName, value: Expression | null | undefined, decorators: Array<Decorator> | null | undefined, _static: any): ClassPrivateProperty;
declare function classPrivateMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor" | undefined, key: PrivateName, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateMethod;
declare function importAttribute(key: Identifier | StringLiteral, value: StringLiteral): ImportAttribute;
declare function decorator(expression: Expression): Decorator;
declare function doExpression(body: BlockStatement): DoExpression;
declare function exportDefaultSpecifier(exported: Identifier): ExportDefaultSpecifier;
declare function privateName(id: Identifier): PrivateName;
declare function recordExpression(properties: Array<ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>): RecordExpression;
declare function tupleExpression(elements?: Array<Expression | SpreadElement>): TupleExpression;
declare function decimalLiteral(value: string): DecimalLiteral;
declare function staticBlock(body: Array<Statement>): StaticBlock;
declare function moduleExpression(body: Program): ModuleExpression;
declare function tsParameterProperty(parameter: Identifier | AssignmentPattern): TSParameterProperty;
declare function tsDeclareFunction(id: Identifier | null | undefined, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareFunction;
declare function tsDeclareMethod(decorators: Array<Decorator> | null | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareMethod;
declare function tsQualifiedName(left: TSEntityName, right: Identifier): TSQualifiedName;
declare function tsCallSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSCallSignatureDeclaration;
declare function tsConstructSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSConstructSignatureDeclaration;
declare function tsPropertySignature(key: Expression, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null, initializer?: Expression | null): TSPropertySignature;
declare function tsMethodSignature(key: Expression, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSMethodSignature;
declare function tsIndexSignature(parameters: Array<Identifier>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSIndexSignature;
declare function tsAnyKeyword(): TSAnyKeyword;
declare function tsBooleanKeyword(): TSBooleanKeyword;
declare function tsBigIntKeyword(): TSBigIntKeyword;
declare function tsIntrinsicKeyword(): TSIntrinsicKeyword;
declare function tsNeverKeyword(): TSNeverKeyword;
declare function tsNullKeyword(): TSNullKeyword;
declare function tsNumberKeyword(): TSNumberKeyword;
declare function tsObjectKeyword(): TSObjectKeyword;
declare function tsStringKeyword(): TSStringKeyword;
declare function tsSymbolKeyword(): TSSymbolKeyword;
declare function tsUndefinedKeyword(): TSUndefinedKeyword;
declare function tsUnknownKeyword(): TSUnknownKeyword;
declare function tsVoidKeyword(): TSVoidKeyword;
declare function tsThisType(): TSThisType;
declare function tsFunctionType(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSFunctionType;
declare function tsConstructorType(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSConstructorType;
declare function tsTypeReference(typeName: TSEntityName, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSTypeReference;
declare function tsTypePredicate(parameterName: Identifier | TSThisType, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null, asserts?: boolean | null): TSTypePredicate;
declare function tsTypeQuery(exprName: TSEntityName | TSImportType): TSTypeQuery;
declare function tsTypeLiteral(members: Array<TSTypeElement>): TSTypeLiteral;
declare function tsArrayType(elementType: TSType): TSArrayType;
declare function tsTupleType(elementTypes: Array<TSType | TSNamedTupleMember>): TSTupleType;
declare function tsOptionalType(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSOptionalType;
declare function tsRestType(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSRestType;
declare function tsNamedTupleMember(label: Identifier, elementType: TSType, optional?: boolean): TSNamedTupleMember;
declare function tsUnionType(types: Array<TSType>): TSUnionType;
declare function tsIntersectionType(types: Array<TSType>): TSIntersectionType;
declare function tsConditionalType(checkType: TSType, extendsType: TSType, trueType: TSType, falseType: TSType): TSConditionalType;
declare function tsInferType(typeParameter: TSTypeParameter): TSInferType;
declare function tsParenthesizedType(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSParenthesizedType;
declare function tsTypeOperator(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSTypeOperator;
declare function tsIndexedAccessType(objectType: TSType, indexType: TSType): TSIndexedAccessType;
declare function tsMappedType(typeParameter: TSTypeParameter, typeAnnotation?: TSType | null, nameType?: TSType | null): TSMappedType;
declare function tsLiteralType(literal: NumericLiteral | StringLiteral | BooleanLiteral | BigIntLiteral): TSLiteralType;
declare function tsExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression: TSEntityName, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSExpressionWithTypeArguments;
declare function tsInterfaceDeclaration(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<TSExpressionWithTypeArguments> | null | undefined, body: TSInterfaceBody): TSInterfaceDeclaration;
declare function tsInterfaceBody(body: Array<TSTypeElement>): TSInterfaceBody;
declare function tsTypeAliasDeclaration(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, typeAnnotation: TSType): TSTypeAliasDeclaration;
declare function tsAsExpression(expression: Expression, typeAnnotation: TSType): TSAsExpression;
declare function tsTypeAssertion(typeAnnotation: TSType, expression: Expression): TSTypeAssertion;
declare function tsEnumDeclaration(id: Identifier, members: Array<TSEnumMember>): TSEnumDeclaration;
declare function tsEnumMember(id: Identifier | StringLiteral, initializer?: Expression | null): TSEnumMember;
declare function tsModuleDeclaration(id: Identifier | StringLiteral, body: TSModuleBlock | TSModuleDeclaration): TSModuleDeclaration;
declare function tsModuleBlock(body: Array<Statement>): TSModuleBlock;
declare function tsImportType(argument: StringLiteral, qualifier?: TSEntityName | null, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSImportType;
declare function tsImportEqualsDeclaration(id: Identifier, moduleReference: TSEntityName | TSExternalModuleReference): TSImportEqualsDeclaration;
declare function tsExternalModuleReference(expression: StringLiteral): TSExternalModuleReference;
declare function tsNonNullExpression(expression: Expression): TSNonNullExpression;
declare function tsExportAssignment(expression: Expression): TSExportAssignment;
declare function tsNamespaceExportDeclaration(id: Identifier): TSNamespaceExportDeclaration;
declare function tsTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSTypeAnnotation;
declare function tsTypeParameterInstantiation(params: Array<TSType>): TSTypeParameterInstantiation;
declare function tsTypeParameterDeclaration(params: Array<TSTypeParameter>): TSTypeParameterDeclaration;
declare function tsTypeParameter(constraint: TSType | null | undefined, _default: TSType | null | undefined, name: string): TSTypeParameter;
/** @deprecated */
declare function NumberLiteral$1(...args: Array<any>): any;
/** @deprecated */
declare function RegexLiteral$1(...args: Array<any>): any;
/** @deprecated */
declare function RestProperty$1(...args: Array<any>): any;
/** @deprecated */
declare function SpreadProperty$1(...args: Array<any>): any;
* Create a clone of a `node` including only properties belonging to the node.
* If the second parameter is `false`, cloneNode performs a shallow clone.
* If the third parameter is true, the cloned nodes exclude location properties.
declare function cloneNode<T extends Node>(node: T, deep?: boolean, withoutLoc?: boolean): T;
* Create a shallow clone of a `node`, including only
* properties belonging to the node.
* @deprecated Use t.cloneNode instead.
declare function clone<T extends Node>(node: T): T;
* Create a deep clone of a `node` and all of it's child nodes
* including only properties belonging to the node.
* @deprecated Use t.cloneNode instead.
declare function cloneDeep<T extends Node>(node: T): T;
* Create a deep clone of a `node` and all of it's child nodes
* including only properties belonging to the node.
* excluding `_private` and location properties.
declare function cloneDeepWithoutLoc<T extends Node>(node: T): T;
* Create a shallow clone of a `node` excluding `_private` and location properties.
declare function cloneWithoutLoc<T extends Node>(node: T): T;
* Add comment of certain type to a node.
declare function addComment<T extends Node>(node: T, type: CommentTypeShorthand, content: string, line?: boolean): T;
* Add comments of certain type to a node.
declare function addComments<T extends Node>(node: T, type: CommentTypeShorthand, comments: ReadonlyArray<Comment>): T;
declare function inheritInnerComments(child: Node, parent: Node): void;
declare function inheritLeadingComments(child: Node, parent: Node): void;
* Inherit all unique comments from `parent` node to `child` node.
declare function inheritsComments<T extends Node>(child: T, parent: Node): T;
declare function inheritTrailingComments(child: Node, parent: Node): void;
* Remove comment properties from a node.
declare function removeComments<T extends Node>(node: T): T;
declare const EXPRESSION_TYPES: string[];
declare const BINARY_TYPES: string[];
declare const SCOPABLE_TYPES: string[];
declare const BLOCKPARENT_TYPES: string[];
declare const BLOCK_TYPES: string[];
declare const STATEMENT_TYPES: string[];
declare const TERMINATORLESS_TYPES: string[];
declare const COMPLETIONSTATEMENT_TYPES: string[];
declare const CONDITIONAL_TYPES: string[];
declare const LOOP_TYPES: string[];
declare const WHILE_TYPES: string[];
declare const EXPRESSIONWRAPPER_TYPES: string[];
declare const FOR_TYPES: string[];
declare const FORXSTATEMENT_TYPES: string[];
declare const FUNCTION_TYPES: string[];
declare const FUNCTIONPARENT_TYPES: string[];
declare const PUREISH_TYPES: string[];
declare const DECLARATION_TYPES: string[];
declare const PATTERNLIKE_TYPES: string[];
declare const LVAL_TYPES: string[];
declare const TSENTITYNAME_TYPES: string[];
declare const LITERAL_TYPES: string[];
declare const IMMUTABLE_TYPES: string[];
declare const USERWHITESPACABLE_TYPES: string[];
declare const METHOD_TYPES: string[];
declare const OBJECTMEMBER_TYPES: string[];
declare const PROPERTY_TYPES: string[];
declare const UNARYLIKE_TYPES: string[];
declare const PATTERN_TYPES: string[];
declare const CLASS_TYPES: string[];
declare const MODULEDECLARATION_TYPES: string[];
declare const EXPORTDECLARATION_TYPES: string[];
declare const MODULESPECIFIER_TYPES: string[];
declare const FLOW_TYPES: string[];
declare const FLOWTYPE_TYPES: string[];
declare const FLOWBASEANNOTATION_TYPES: string[];
declare const FLOWDECLARATION_TYPES: string[];
declare const FLOWPREDICATE_TYPES: string[];
declare const ENUMBODY_TYPES: string[];
declare const ENUMMEMBER_TYPES: string[];
declare const JSX_TYPES: string[];
declare const PRIVATE_TYPES: string[];
declare const TSTYPEELEMENT_TYPES: string[];
declare const TSTYPE_TYPES: string[];
declare const TSBASETYPE_TYPES: string[];
declare const STATEMENT_OR_BLOCK_KEYS: string[];
declare const FLATTENABLE_KEYS: string[];
declare const FOR_INIT_KEYS: string[];
declare const COMMENT_KEYS: string[];
declare const LOGICAL_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const UPDATE_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const BINARY_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const UNARY_OPERATORS: string[];
declare const INHERIT_KEYS: {
optional: string[];
force: string[];
declare const BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL: unique symbol;
declare const NOT_LOCAL_BINDING: unique symbol;
* Ensure the `key` (defaults to "body") of a `node` is a block.
* Casting it to a block if it is not.
* Returns the BlockStatement
declare function ensureBlock(node: Node, key?: string): BlockStatement;
declare function toBindingIdentifierName(name: string): string;
declare function toBlock(node: Statement | Expression, parent?: Node): BlockStatement;
declare function toComputedKey(node: ObjectMember | ObjectProperty | ClassMethod | ClassProperty | MemberExpression | OptionalMemberExpression, key?: Expression): Expression;
declare const _default: {
(node: Function): FunctionExpression;
(node: Class): ClassExpression;
(node: ExpressionStatement | Expression | Class | Function): Expression;
declare function toIdentifier(input: string): string;
declare function toKeyAlias(node: Method | Property, key?: Node): string;
declare namespace toKeyAlias {
var uid: number;
var increment: () => number;
declare type Scope = {
push(value: {
id: LVal;
kind: "var";
init?: Expression;
}): void;
buildUndefinedNode(): Node;
* Turn an array of statement `nodes` into a `SequenceExpression`.
* Variable declarations are turned into simple assignments and their
* declarations hoisted to the top of the current scope.
* Expression statements are just resolved to their expression.
declare function toSequenceExpression(nodes: ReadonlyArray<Node>, scope: Scope): SequenceExpression | undefined;
declare const _default$1: {
(node: AssignmentExpression, ignore?: boolean): ExpressionStatement;
<T extends Statement>(node: T, ignore: false): T;
<T_1 extends Statement>(node: T_1, ignore?: boolean): false | T_1;
(node: Class, ignore: false): ClassDeclaration;
(node: Class, ignore?: boolean): ClassDeclaration | false;
(node: Function, ignore: false): FunctionDeclaration;
(node: Function, ignore?: boolean): FunctionDeclaration | false;
(node: Node, ignore: false): Statement;
(node: Node, ignore?: boolean): Statement | false;
declare const _default$2: {
(value: undefined): Identifier;
(value: boolean): BooleanLiteral;
(value: null): NullLiteral;
(value: string): StringLiteral;
(value: number): NumericLiteral | BinaryExpression | UnaryExpression;
(value: RegExp): RegExpLiteral;
(value: ReadonlyArray<unknown>): ArrayExpression;
(value: object): ObjectExpression;
(value: unknown): Expression;
declare const VISITOR_KEYS: Record<string, string[]>;
declare const ALIAS_KEYS: Record<string, string[]>;
declare const FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS: Record<string, string[]>;
declare const NODE_FIELDS: Record<string, {}>;
declare const BUILDER_KEYS: Record<string, string[]>;
declare const DEPRECATED_KEYS: Record<string, string>;
declare const NODE_PARENT_VALIDATIONS: {};
declare const PLACEHOLDERS: string[];
declare const PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS: Record<string, string[]>;
declare const PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS: Record<string, string[]>;
declare const TYPES: Array<string>;
* Append a node to a member expression.
declare function appendToMemberExpression(member: MemberExpression, append: MemberExpression["property"], computed?: boolean): MemberExpression;
* Inherit all contextual properties from `parent` node to `child` node.
declare function inherits<T extends Node | null | undefined>(child: T, parent: Node | null | undefined): T;
* Prepend a node to a member expression.
declare function prependToMemberExpression<T extends Pick<MemberExpression, "object" | "property">>(member: T, prepend: MemberExpression["object"]): T;
* Remove all of the _* properties from a node along with the additional metadata
* properties like location data and raw token data.
declare function removeProperties(node: Node, opts?: {
preserveComments?: boolean;
}): void;
declare function removePropertiesDeep<T extends Node>(tree: T, opts?: {
preserveComments: boolean;
} | null): T;
* Dedupe type annotations.
declare function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes: ReadonlyArray<FlowType | false | null | undefined>): FlowType[];
declare function getBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates: true, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, Array<Identifier>>;
declare namespace getBindingIdentifiers {
var keys: {
DeclareClass: string[];
DeclareFunction: string[];
DeclareModule: string[];
DeclareVariable: string[];
DeclareInterface: string[];
DeclareTypeAlias: string[];
DeclareOpaqueType: string[];
InterfaceDeclaration: string[];
TypeAlias: string[];
OpaqueType: string[];
CatchClause: string[];
LabeledStatement: string[];
UnaryExpression: string[];
AssignmentExpression: string[];
ImportSpecifier: string[];
ImportNamespaceSpecifier: string[];
ImportDefaultSpecifier: string[];
ImportDeclaration: string[];
ExportSpecifier: string[];
ExportNamespaceSpecifier: string[];
ExportDefaultSpecifier: string[];
FunctionDeclaration: string[];
FunctionExpression: string[];
ArrowFunctionExpression: string[];
ObjectMethod: string[];
ClassMethod: string[];
ForInStatement: string[];
ForOfStatement: string[];
ClassDeclaration: string[];
ClassExpression: string[];
RestElement: string[];
UpdateExpression: string[];
ObjectProperty: string[];
AssignmentPattern: string[];
ArrayPattern: string[];
ObjectPattern: string[];
VariableDeclaration: string[];
VariableDeclarator: string[];
declare function getBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates?: false, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, Identifier>;
declare namespace getBindingIdentifiers {
var keys: {
DeclareClass: string[];
DeclareFunction: string[];
DeclareModule: string[];
DeclareVariable: string[];
DeclareInterface: string[];
DeclareTypeAlias: string[];
DeclareOpaqueType: string[];
InterfaceDeclaration: string[];
TypeAlias: string[];
OpaqueType: string[];
CatchClause: string[];
LabeledStatement: string[];
UnaryExpression: string[];
AssignmentExpression: string[];
ImportSpecifier: string[];
ImportNamespaceSpecifier: string[];
ImportDefaultSpecifier: string[];
ImportDeclaration: string[];
ExportSpecifier: string[];
ExportNamespaceSpecifier: string[];
ExportDefaultSpecifier: string[];
FunctionDeclaration: string[];
FunctionExpression: string[];
ArrowFunctionExpression: string[];
ObjectMethod: string[];
ClassMethod: string[];
ForInStatement: string[];
ForOfStatement: string[];
ClassDeclaration: string[];
ClassExpression: string[];
RestElement: string[];
UpdateExpression: string[];
ObjectProperty: string[];
AssignmentPattern: string[];
ArrayPattern: string[];
ObjectPattern: string[];
VariableDeclaration: string[];
VariableDeclarator: string[];
declare function getBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates?: boolean, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, Identifier> | Record<string, Array<Identifier>>;
declare namespace getBindingIdentifiers {
var keys: {
DeclareClass: string[];
DeclareFunction: string[];
DeclareModule: string[];
DeclareVariable: string[];
DeclareInterface: string[];
DeclareTypeAlias: string[];
DeclareOpaqueType: string[];
InterfaceDeclaration: string[];
TypeAlias: string[];
OpaqueType: string[];
CatchClause: string[];
LabeledStatement: string[];
UnaryExpression: string[];
AssignmentExpression: string[];
ImportSpecifier: string[];
ImportNamespaceSpecifier: string[];
ImportDefaultSpecifier: string[];
ImportDeclaration: string[];
ExportSpecifier: string[];
ExportNamespaceSpecifier: string[];
ExportDefaultSpecifier: string[];
FunctionDeclaration: string[];
FunctionExpression: string[];
ArrowFunctionExpression: string[];
ObjectMethod: string[];
ClassMethod: string[];
ForInStatement: string[];
ForOfStatement: string[];
ClassDeclaration: string[];
ClassExpression: string[];
RestElement: string[];
UpdateExpression: string[];
ObjectProperty: string[];
AssignmentPattern: string[];
ArrayPattern: string[];
ObjectPattern: string[];
VariableDeclaration: string[];
VariableDeclarator: string[];
declare const _default$3: {
(node: Node, duplicates: true): Record<string, Array<Identifier>>;
(node: Node, duplicates?: false): Record<string, Identifier>;
(node: Node, duplicates?: boolean): Record<string, Identifier> | Record<string, Array<Identifier>>;
declare type TraversalAncestors = Array<{
node: Node;
key: string;
index?: number;
declare type TraversalHandler<T> = (this: undefined, node: Node, parent: TraversalAncestors, state: T) => void;
declare type TraversalHandlers<T> = {
enter?: TraversalHandler<T>;
exit?: TraversalHandler<T>;
* A general AST traversal with both prefix and postfix handlers, and a
* state object. Exposes ancestry data to each handler so that more complex
* AST data can be taken into account.
declare function traverse<T>(node: Node, handlers: TraversalHandler<T> | TraversalHandlers<T>, state?: T): void;
* A prefix AST traversal implementation meant for simple searching
* and processing.
declare function traverseFast(node: Node | null | undefined, enter: (node: Node, opts?: any) => void, opts?: any): void;
declare function shallowEqual<T extends object>(actual: object, expected: T): actual is T;
declare function is<T extends Node["type"]>(type: T, node: Node | null | undefined, opts?: undefined): node is Extract<Node, {
type: T;
declare function is<T extends Node["type"], P extends Extract<Node, {
type: T;
}>>(type: T, n: Node | null | undefined, required: Partial<P>): n is P;
declare function is<P extends Node>(type: string, node: Node | null | undefined, opts: Partial<P>): node is P;
declare function is(type: string, node: Node | null | undefined, opts?: Partial<Node>): node is Node;
* Check if the input `node` is a binding identifier.
declare function isBinding(node: Node, parent: Node, grandparent?: Node): boolean;
* Check if the input `node` is block scoped.
declare function isBlockScoped(node: Node): boolean;
* Check if the input `node` is definitely immutable.
declare function isImmutable(node: Node): boolean;
* Check if the input `node` is a `let` variable declaration.
declare function isLet(node: Node): boolean;
declare function isNode(node: any): node is Node;
* Check if two nodes are equivalent
declare function isNodesEquivalent<T extends Partial<Node>>(a: T, b: any): b is T;
* Test if a `placeholderType` is a `targetType` or if `targetType` is an alias of `placeholderType`.
declare function isPlaceholderType(placeholderType: string, targetType: string): boolean;
* Check if the input `node` is a reference to a bound variable.
declare function isReferenced(node: Node, parent: Node, grandparent?: Node): boolean;
* Check if the input `node` is a scope.
declare function isScope(node: Node, parent: Node): boolean;
* Check if the input `specifier` is a `default` import or export.
declare function isSpecifierDefault(specifier: ModuleSpecifier): boolean;
declare function isType<T extends Node["type"]>(nodeType: string, targetType: T): nodeType is T;
declare function isType(nodeType: string | null | undefined, targetType: string): boolean;
* Check if the input `name` is a valid identifier name according to the ES3 specification.
* Additional ES3 reserved words are
declare function isValidES3Identifier(name: string): boolean;
* Check if the input `name` is a valid identifier name
* and isn't a reserved word.
declare function isValidIdentifier(name: string, reserved?: boolean): boolean;
* Check if the input `node` is a variable declaration.
declare function isVar(node: Node): boolean;
* Determines whether or not the input node `member` matches the
* input `match`.
* For example, given the match `React.createClass` it would match the
* parsed nodes of `React.createClass` and `React["createClass"]`.
declare function matchesPattern(member: Node | null | undefined, match: string | string[], allowPartial?: boolean): boolean;
declare function validate(node: Node | undefined | null, key: string, val: any): void;
* Build a function that when called will return whether or not the
* input `node` `MemberExpression` matches the input `match`.
* For example, given the match `React.createClass` it would match the
* parsed nodes of `React.createClass` and `React["createClass"]`.
declare function buildMatchMemberExpression(match: string, allowPartial?: boolean): (member: Node) => boolean;
declare function isArrayExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ArrayExpression;
declare function isAssignmentExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is AssignmentExpression;
declare function isBinaryExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BinaryExpression;
declare function isInterpreterDirective(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is InterpreterDirective;
declare function isDirective(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Directive;
declare function isDirectiveLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DirectiveLiteral;
declare function isBlockStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BlockStatement;
declare function isBreakStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BreakStatement;
declare function isCallExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is CallExpression;
declare function isCatchClause(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is CatchClause;
declare function isConditionalExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ConditionalExpression;
declare function isContinueStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ContinueStatement;
declare function isDebuggerStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DebuggerStatement;
declare function isDoWhileStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DoWhileStatement;
declare function isEmptyStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EmptyStatement;
declare function isExpressionStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExpressionStatement;
declare function isFile(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is File;
declare function isForInStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ForInStatement;
declare function isForStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ForStatement;
declare function isFunctionDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FunctionDeclaration;
declare function isFunctionExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FunctionExpression;
declare function isIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Identifier;
declare function isIfStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is IfStatement;
declare function isLabeledStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is LabeledStatement;
declare function isStringLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is StringLiteral;
declare function isNumericLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NumericLiteral;
declare function isNullLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NullLiteral;
declare function isBooleanLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BooleanLiteral;
declare function isRegExpLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is RegExpLiteral;
declare function isLogicalExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is LogicalExpression;
declare function isMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is MemberExpression;
declare function isNewExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NewExpression;
declare function isProgram(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Program;
declare function isObjectExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectExpression;
declare function isObjectMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectMethod;
declare function isObjectProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectProperty;
declare function isRestElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is RestElement;
declare function isReturnStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ReturnStatement;
declare function isSequenceExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is SequenceExpression;
declare function isParenthesizedExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ParenthesizedExpression;
declare function isSwitchCase(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is SwitchCase;
declare function isSwitchStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is SwitchStatement;
declare function isThisExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ThisExpression;
declare function isThrowStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ThrowStatement;
declare function isTryStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TryStatement;
declare function isUnaryExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is UnaryExpression;
declare function isUpdateExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is UpdateExpression;
declare function isVariableDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is VariableDeclaration;
declare function isVariableDeclarator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is VariableDeclarator;
declare function isWhileStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is WhileStatement;
declare function isWithStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is WithStatement;
declare function isAssignmentPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is AssignmentPattern;
declare function isArrayPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ArrayPattern;
declare function isArrowFunctionExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ArrowFunctionExpression;
declare function isClassBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassBody;
declare function isClassExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassExpression;
declare function isClassDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassDeclaration;
declare function isExportAllDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportAllDeclaration;
declare function isExportDefaultDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportDefaultDeclaration;
declare function isExportNamedDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportNamedDeclaration;
declare function isExportSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportSpecifier;
declare function isForOfStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ForOfStatement;
declare function isImportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportDeclaration;
declare function isImportDefaultSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportDefaultSpecifier;
declare function isImportNamespaceSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare function isImportSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportSpecifier;
declare function isMetaProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is MetaProperty;
declare function isClassMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassMethod;
declare function isObjectPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectPattern;
declare function isSpreadElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is SpreadElement;
declare function isSuper(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Super;
declare function isTaggedTemplateExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TaggedTemplateExpression;
declare function isTemplateElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TemplateElement;
declare function isTemplateLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TemplateLiteral;
declare function isYieldExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is YieldExpression;
declare function isAwaitExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is AwaitExpression;
declare function isImport(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Import;
declare function isBigIntLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BigIntLiteral;
declare function isExportNamespaceSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare function isOptionalMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is OptionalMemberExpression;
declare function isOptionalCallExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is OptionalCallExpression;
declare function isAnyTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is AnyTypeAnnotation;
declare function isArrayTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ArrayTypeAnnotation;
declare function isBooleanTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BooleanTypeAnnotation;
declare function isBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function isNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NullLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function isClassImplements(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassImplements;
declare function isDeclareClass(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareClass;
declare function isDeclareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareFunction;
declare function isDeclareInterface(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareInterface;
declare function isDeclareModule(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareModule;
declare function isDeclareModuleExports(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareModuleExports;
declare function isDeclareTypeAlias(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareTypeAlias;
declare function isDeclareOpaqueType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareOpaqueType;
declare function isDeclareVariable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareVariable;
declare function isDeclareExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareExportDeclaration;
declare function isDeclareExportAllDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareExportAllDeclaration;
declare function isDeclaredPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclaredPredicate;
declare function isExistsTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExistsTypeAnnotation;
declare function isFunctionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FunctionTypeAnnotation;
declare function isFunctionTypeParam(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FunctionTypeParam;
declare function isGenericTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is GenericTypeAnnotation;
declare function isInferredPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is InferredPredicate;
declare function isInterfaceExtends(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is InterfaceExtends;
declare function isInterfaceDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is InterfaceDeclaration;
declare function isInterfaceTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is InterfaceTypeAnnotation;
declare function isIntersectionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is IntersectionTypeAnnotation;
declare function isMixedTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is MixedTypeAnnotation;
declare function isEmptyTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EmptyTypeAnnotation;
declare function isNullableTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NullableTypeAnnotation;
declare function isNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function isNumberTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NumberTypeAnnotation;
declare function isObjectTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeAnnotation;
declare function isObjectTypeInternalSlot(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeInternalSlot;
declare function isObjectTypeCallProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeCallProperty;
declare function isObjectTypeIndexer(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeIndexer;
declare function isObjectTypeProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeProperty;
declare function isObjectTypeSpreadProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeSpreadProperty;
declare function isOpaqueType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is OpaqueType;
declare function isQualifiedTypeIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
declare function isStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is StringLiteralTypeAnnotation;
declare function isStringTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is StringTypeAnnotation;
declare function isSymbolTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is SymbolTypeAnnotation;
declare function isThisTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ThisTypeAnnotation;
declare function isTupleTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TupleTypeAnnotation;
declare function isTypeofTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeofTypeAnnotation;
declare function isTypeAlias(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeAlias;
declare function isTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeAnnotation;
declare function isTypeCastExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeCastExpression;
declare function isTypeParameter(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeParameter;
declare function isTypeParameterDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeParameterDeclaration;
declare function isTypeParameterInstantiation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeParameterInstantiation;
declare function isUnionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is UnionTypeAnnotation;
declare function isVariance(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Variance;
declare function isVoidTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is VoidTypeAnnotation;
declare function isEnumDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumDeclaration;
declare function isEnumBooleanBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumBooleanBody;
declare function isEnumNumberBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumNumberBody;
declare function isEnumStringBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumStringBody;
declare function isEnumSymbolBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumSymbolBody;
declare function isEnumBooleanMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumBooleanMember;
declare function isEnumNumberMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumNumberMember;
declare function isEnumStringMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumStringMember;
declare function isEnumDefaultedMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumDefaultedMember;
declare function isJSXAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXAttribute;
declare function isJSXClosingElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXClosingElement;
declare function isJSXElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXElement;
declare function isJSXEmptyExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXEmptyExpression;
declare function isJSXExpressionContainer(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXExpressionContainer;
declare function isJSXSpreadChild(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXSpreadChild;
declare function isJSXIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXIdentifier;
declare function isJSXMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXMemberExpression;
declare function isJSXNamespacedName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXNamespacedName;
declare function isJSXOpeningElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXOpeningElement;
declare function isJSXSpreadAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXSpreadAttribute;
declare function isJSXText(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXText;
declare function isJSXFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXFragment;
declare function isJSXOpeningFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXOpeningFragment;
declare function isJSXClosingFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXClosingFragment;
declare function isNoop(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Noop;
declare function isPlaceholder(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Placeholder;
declare function isV8IntrinsicIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is V8IntrinsicIdentifier;
declare function isArgumentPlaceholder(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ArgumentPlaceholder;
declare function isBindExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BindExpression;
declare function isClassProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassProperty;
declare function isPipelineTopicExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is PipelineTopicExpression;
declare function isPipelineBareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is PipelineBareFunction;
declare function isPipelinePrimaryTopicReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is PipelinePrimaryTopicReference;
declare function isClassPrivateProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassPrivateProperty;
declare function isClassPrivateMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassPrivateMethod;
declare function isImportAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportAttribute;
declare function isDecorator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Decorator;
declare function isDoExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DoExpression;
declare function isExportDefaultSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportDefaultSpecifier;
declare function isPrivateName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is PrivateName;
declare function isRecordExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is RecordExpression;
declare function isTupleExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TupleExpression;
declare function isDecimalLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DecimalLiteral;
declare function isStaticBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is StaticBlock;
declare function isModuleExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ModuleExpression;
declare function isTSParameterProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSParameterProperty;
declare function isTSDeclareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSDeclareFunction;
declare function isTSDeclareMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSDeclareMethod;
declare function isTSQualifiedName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSQualifiedName;
declare function isTSCallSignatureDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSCallSignatureDeclaration;
declare function isTSConstructSignatureDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSConstructSignatureDeclaration;
declare function isTSPropertySignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSPropertySignature;
declare function isTSMethodSignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSMethodSignature;
declare function isTSIndexSignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSIndexSignature;
declare function isTSAnyKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSAnyKeyword;
declare function isTSBooleanKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSBooleanKeyword;
declare function isTSBigIntKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSBigIntKeyword;
declare function isTSIntrinsicKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSIntrinsicKeyword;
declare function isTSNeverKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNeverKeyword;
declare function isTSNullKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNullKeyword;
declare function isTSNumberKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNumberKeyword;
declare function isTSObjectKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSObjectKeyword;
declare function isTSStringKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSStringKeyword;
declare function isTSSymbolKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSSymbolKeyword;
declare function isTSUndefinedKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSUndefinedKeyword;
declare function isTSUnknownKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSUnknownKeyword;
declare function isTSVoidKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSVoidKeyword;
declare function isTSThisType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSThisType;
declare function isTSFunctionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSFunctionType;
declare function isTSConstructorType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSConstructorType;
declare function isTSTypeReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeReference;
declare function isTSTypePredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypePredicate;
declare function isTSTypeQuery(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeQuery;
declare function isTSTypeLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeLiteral;
declare function isTSArrayType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSArrayType;
declare function isTSTupleType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTupleType;
declare function isTSOptionalType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSOptionalType;
declare function isTSRestType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSRestType;
declare function isTSNamedTupleMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNamedTupleMember;
declare function isTSUnionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSUnionType;
declare function isTSIntersectionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSIntersectionType;
declare function isTSConditionalType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSConditionalType;
declare function isTSInferType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSInferType;
declare function isTSParenthesizedType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSParenthesizedType;
declare function isTSTypeOperator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeOperator;
declare function isTSIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSIndexedAccessType;
declare function isTSMappedType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSMappedType;
declare function isTSLiteralType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSLiteralType;
declare function isTSExpressionWithTypeArguments(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSExpressionWithTypeArguments;
declare function isTSInterfaceDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSInterfaceDeclaration;
declare function isTSInterfaceBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSInterfaceBody;
declare function isTSTypeAliasDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeAliasDeclaration;
declare function isTSAsExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSAsExpression;
declare function isTSTypeAssertion(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeAssertion;
declare function isTSEnumDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSEnumDeclaration;
declare function isTSEnumMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSEnumMember;
declare function isTSModuleDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSModuleDeclaration;
declare function isTSModuleBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSModuleBlock;
declare function isTSImportType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSImportType;
declare function isTSImportEqualsDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSImportEqualsDeclaration;
declare function isTSExternalModuleReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSExternalModuleReference;
declare function isTSNonNullExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNonNullExpression;
declare function isTSExportAssignment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSExportAssignment;
declare function isTSNamespaceExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNamespaceExportDeclaration;
declare function isTSTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeAnnotation;
declare function isTSTypeParameterInstantiation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeParameterInstantiation;
declare function isTSTypeParameterDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeParameterDeclaration;
declare function isTSTypeParameter(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeParameter;
declare function isExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Expression;
declare function isBinary(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Binary;
declare function isScopable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Scopable;
declare function isBlockParent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BlockParent;
declare function isBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Block;
declare function isStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Statement;
declare function isTerminatorless(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Terminatorless;
declare function isCompletionStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is CompletionStatement;
declare function isConditional(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Conditional;
declare function isLoop(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Loop;
declare function isWhile(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is While;
declare function isExpressionWrapper(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExpressionWrapper;
declare function isFor(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is For;
declare function isForXStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ForXStatement;
declare function isFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Function;
declare function isFunctionParent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FunctionParent;
declare function isPureish(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Pureish;
declare function isDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Declaration;
declare function isPatternLike(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is PatternLike;
declare function isLVal(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is LVal;
declare function isTSEntityName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSEntityName;
declare function isLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Literal;
declare function isUserWhitespacable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is UserWhitespacable;
declare function isMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Method;
declare function isObjectMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectMember;
declare function isProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Property;
declare function isUnaryLike(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is UnaryLike;
declare function isPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Pattern;
declare function isClass(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Class;
declare function isModuleDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ModuleDeclaration;
declare function isExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportDeclaration;
declare function isModuleSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ModuleSpecifier;
declare function isFlow(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Flow;
declare function isFlowType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FlowType;
declare function isFlowBaseAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FlowBaseAnnotation;
declare function isFlowDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FlowDeclaration;
declare function isFlowPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FlowPredicate;
declare function isEnumBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumBody;
declare function isEnumMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumMember;
declare function isJSX(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSX;
declare function isPrivate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Private;
declare function isTSTypeElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeElement;
declare function isTSType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSType;
declare function isTSBaseType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSBaseType;
declare function isNumberLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): boolean;
declare function isRegexLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): boolean;
declare function isRestProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): boolean;
declare function isSpreadProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): boolean;
declare const react: {
isReactComponent: (member: Node) => boolean;
isCompatTag: typeof isCompatTag;
buildChildren: typeof buildChildren;
export { ALIAS_KEYS, ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS, Aliases, AnyTypeAnnotation, ArgumentPlaceholder, ArrayExpression, ArrayPattern, ArrayTypeAnnotation, ArrowFunctionExpression, AssignmentExpression, AssignmentPattern, AwaitExpression, BINARY_OPERATORS, BINARY_TYPES, BLOCKPARENT_TYPES, BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL, BLOCK_TYPES, BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS, BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS, BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS, BUILDER_KEYS, BigIntLiteral, Binary, BinaryExpression, BindExpression, Block, BlockParent, BlockStatement, BooleanLiteral, BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation, BooleanTypeAnnotation, BreakStatement, CLASS_TYPES, COMMENT_KEYS, COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS, COMPLETIONSTATEMENT_TYPES, CONDITIONAL_TYPES, CallExpression, CatchClause, Class, ClassBody, ClassDeclaration, ClassExpression, ClassImplements, ClassMethod, ClassPrivateMethod, ClassPrivateProperty, ClassProperty, Comment, CommentBlock, CommentLine, CommentTypeShorthand, CompletionStatement, Conditional, ConditionalExpression, ContinueStatement, DECLARATION_TYPES, DEPRECATED_KEYS, DebuggerStatement, DecimalLiteral, Declaration, DeclareClass, DeclareExportAllDeclaration, DeclareExportDeclaration, DeclareFunction, DeclareInterface, DeclareModule, DeclareModuleExports, DeclareOpaqueType, DeclareTypeAlias, DeclareVariable, DeclaredPredicate, Decorator, Directive, DirectiveLiteral, DoExpression, DoWhileStatement, ENUMBODY_TYPES, ENUMMEMBER_TYPES, EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS, EXPORTDECLARATION_TYPES, EXPRESSIONWRAPPER_TYPES, EXPRESSION_TYPES, EmptyStatement, EmptyTypeAnnotation, EnumBody, EnumBooleanBody, EnumBooleanMember, EnumDeclaration, EnumDefaultedMember, EnumMember, EnumNumberBody, EnumNumberMember, EnumStringBody, EnumStringMember, EnumSymbolBody, ExistsTypeAnnotation, ExportAllDeclaration, ExportDeclaration, ExportDefaultDeclaration, ExportDefaultSpecifier, ExportNamedDeclaration, ExportNamespaceSpecifier, ExportSpecifier, Expression, ExpressionStatement, ExpressionWrapper, FLATTENABLE_KEYS, FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS, FLOWBASEANNOTATION_TYPES, FLOWDECLARATION_TYPES, FLOWPREDICATE_TYPES, FLOWTYPE_TYPES, FLOW_TYPES, FORXSTATEMENT_TYPES, FOR_INIT_KEYS, FOR_TYPES, FUNCTIONPARENT_TYPES, FUNCTION_TYPES, File, Flow, FlowBaseAnnotation, FlowDeclaration, FlowPredicate, FlowType, For, ForInStatement, ForOfStatement, ForStatement, ForXStatement, Function, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, FunctionParent, FunctionTypeAnnotation, FunctionTypeParam, GenericTypeAnnotation, IMMUTABLE_TYPES, INHERIT_KEYS, Identifier, IfStatement, Immutable, Import, ImportAttribute, ImportDeclaration, ImportDefaultSpecifier, ImportNamespaceSpecifier, ImportSpecifier, InferredPredicate, InterfaceDeclaration, InterfaceExtends, InterfaceTypeAnnotation, InterpreterDirective, IntersectionTypeAnnotation, JSX, JSXAttribute, JSXClosingElement, JSXClosingFragment, JSXElement, JSXEmptyExpression, JSXExpressionContainer, JSXFragment, JSXIdentifier, JSXMemberExpression, JSXNamespacedName, JSXOpeningElement, JSXOpeningFragment, JSXSpreadAttribute, JSXSpreadChild, JSXText, JSX_TYPES, LITERAL_TYPES, LOGICAL_OPERATORS, LOOP_TYPES, LVAL_TYPES, LVal, LabeledStatement, Literal, LogicalExpression, Loop, METHOD_TYPES, MODULEDECLARATION_TYPES, MODULESPECIFIER_TYPES, MemberExpression, MetaProperty, Method, MixedTypeAnnotation, ModuleDeclaration, ModuleExpression, ModuleSpecifier, NODE_FIELDS, NODE_PARENT_VALIDATIONS, NOT_LOCAL_BINDING, NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS, NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS, NewExpression, Node, Noop, NullLiteral, NullLiteralTypeAnnotation, NullableTypeAnnotation, NumberLiteral, NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation, NumberTypeAnnotation, NumericLiteral, OBJECTMEMBER_TYPES, ObjectExpression, ObjectMember, ObjectMethod, ObjectPattern, ObjectProperty, ObjectTypeAnnotation, ObjectTypeCallProperty, ObjectTypeIndexer, ObjectTypeInternalSlot, ObjectTypeProperty, ObjectTypeSpreadProperty, OpaqueType, OptionalCallExpression, OptionalMemberExpression, PATTERNLIKE_TYPES, PATTERN_TYPES, PLACEHOLDERS, PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS, PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS, PRIVATE_TYPES, PROPERTY_TYPES, PUREISH_TYPES, ParenthesizedExpression, Pattern, PatternLike, PipelineBareFunc