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2021-03-05 19:23:32 -05:00
defmodule Shift73kWeb.LayoutView do
use Shift73kWeb, :view
alias Shift73k.Repo
2021-03-05 19:23:32 -05:00
alias Shift73k.Accounts.User
alias Shift73kWeb.Roles
@app_vars Application.compile_env(:shift73k, :app_global_vars, allow_registration: :true)
@app_allow_registration @app_vars[:allow_registration]
# With a Vite.js-based workflow, we will import different asset files in development
# and in production builds. Therefore, we will need a way to conditionally render
# <script> tags based on Mix environment. However, since Mix is not available in
# releases, we need to cache the Mix environment at compile time. To this end:
@env Mix.env() # remember value at compile time
def dev_env?, do: @env == :dev
def allow_registration, do: @app_allow_registration
def nav_link_opts(conn, opts) do
case Keyword.get(opts, :to) == Phoenix.Controller.current_path(conn) do
false -> opts
true -> Keyword.update(opts, :class, "active", fn c -> "#{c} active" end)
def alert_kinds do
2021-03-03 16:52:26 -05:00
success: "alert-success",
info: "alert-info",
error: "alert-danger",
warning: "alert-warning",
primary: "alert-primary",
secondary: "alert-secondary"
2021-02-24 07:49:39 -05:00