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# loader-runner
``` js
import { runLoaders } from "loader-runner";
resource: "/abs/path/to/file.txt?query",
// String: Absolute path to the resource (optionally including query string)
loaders: ["/abs/path/to/loader.js?query"],
// String[]: Absolute paths to the loaders (optionally including query string)
// {loader, options}[]: Absolute paths to the loaders with options object
context: { minimize: true },
// Additional loader context which is used as base context
processResource: (loaderContext, resourcePath, callback) => { ... },
// Optional: A function to process the resource
// Must have signature function(context, path, function(err, buffer))
// By default readResource is used and the resource is added a fileDependency
readResource: fs.readFile.bind(fs)
// Optional: A function to read the resource
// Only used when 'processResource' is not provided
// Must have signature function(path, function(err, buffer))
// By default fs.readFile is used
}, function(err, result) {
// err: Error?
// result.result: Buffer | String
// The result
// only available when no error occured
// result.resourceBuffer: Buffer
// The raw resource as Buffer (useful for SourceMaps)
// only available when no error occured
// result.cacheable: Bool
// Is the result cacheable or do it require reexecution?
// result.fileDependencies: String[]
// An array of paths (existing files) on which the result depends on
// result.missingDependencies: String[]
// An array of paths (not existing files) on which the result depends on
// result.contextDependencies: String[]
// An array of paths (directories) on which the result depends on
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