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declare module 'node:v8' {
export * from 'v8';
declare module 'v8' {
import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
interface HeapSpaceInfo {
space_name: string;
space_size: number;
space_used_size: number;
space_available_size: number;
physical_space_size: number;
// ** Signifies if the --zap_code_space option is enabled or not. 1 == enabled, 0 == disabled. */
type DoesZapCodeSpaceFlag = 0 | 1;
interface HeapInfo {
total_heap_size: number;
total_heap_size_executable: number;
total_physical_size: number;
total_available_size: number;
used_heap_size: number;
heap_size_limit: number;
malloced_memory: number;
peak_malloced_memory: number;
does_zap_garbage: DoesZapCodeSpaceFlag;
number_of_native_contexts: number;
number_of_detached_contexts: number;
interface HeapCodeStatistics {
code_and_metadata_size: number;
bytecode_and_metadata_size: number;
external_script_source_size: number;
* Returns an integer representing a "version tag" derived from the V8 version, command line flags and detected CPU features.
* This is useful for determining whether a vm.Script cachedData buffer is compatible with this instance of V8.
function cachedDataVersionTag(): number;
function getHeapStatistics(): HeapInfo;
function getHeapSpaceStatistics(): HeapSpaceInfo[];
function setFlagsFromString(flags: string): void;
* Generates a snapshot of the current V8 heap and returns a Readable
* Stream that may be used to read the JSON serialized representation.
* This conversation was marked as resolved by joyeecheung
* This JSON stream format is intended to be used with tools such as
* Chrome DevTools. The JSON schema is undocumented and specific to the
* V8 engine, and may change from one version of V8 to the next.
function getHeapSnapshot(): Readable;
* @param fileName The file path where the V8 heap snapshot is to be
* saved. If not specified, a file name with the pattern
* `'Heap-${yyyymmdd}-${hhmmss}-${pid}-${thread_id}.heapsnapshot'` will be
* generated, where `{pid}` will be the PID of the Node.js process,
* `{thread_id}` will be `0` when `writeHeapSnapshot()` is called from
* the main Node.js thread or the id of a worker thread.
function writeHeapSnapshot(fileName?: string): string;
function getHeapCodeStatistics(): HeapCodeStatistics;
class Serializer {
* Writes out a header, which includes the serialization format version.
writeHeader(): void;
* Serializes a JavaScript value and adds the serialized representation to the internal buffer.
* This throws an error if value cannot be serialized.
writeValue(val: any): boolean;
* Returns the stored internal buffer.
* This serializer should not be used once the buffer is released.
* Calling this method results in undefined behavior if a previous write has failed.
releaseBuffer(): Buffer;
* Marks an ArrayBuffer as having its contents transferred out of band.\
* Pass the corresponding ArrayBuffer in the deserializing context to deserializer.transferArrayBuffer().
transferArrayBuffer(id: number, arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): void;
* Write a raw 32-bit unsigned integer.
writeUint32(value: number): void;
* Write a raw 64-bit unsigned integer, split into high and low 32-bit parts.
writeUint64(hi: number, lo: number): void;
* Write a JS number value.
writeDouble(value: number): void;
* Write raw bytes into the serializers internal buffer.
* The deserializer will require a way to compute the length of the buffer.
writeRawBytes(buffer: NodeJS.TypedArray): void;
* A subclass of `Serializer` that serializes `TypedArray` (in particular `Buffer`) and `DataView` objects as host objects,
* and only stores the part of their underlying `ArrayBuffers` that they are referring to.
class DefaultSerializer extends Serializer {
class Deserializer {
constructor(data: NodeJS.TypedArray);
* Reads and validates a header (including the format version).
* May, for example, reject an invalid or unsupported wire format.
* In that case, an Error is thrown.
readHeader(): boolean;
* Deserializes a JavaScript value from the buffer and returns it.
readValue(): any;
* Marks an ArrayBuffer as having its contents transferred out of band.
* Pass the corresponding `ArrayBuffer` in the serializing context to serializer.transferArrayBuffer()
* (or return the id from serializer._getSharedArrayBufferId() in the case of SharedArrayBuffers).
transferArrayBuffer(id: number, arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): void;
* Reads the underlying wire format version.
* Likely mostly to be useful to legacy code reading old wire format versions.
* May not be called before .readHeader().
getWireFormatVersion(): number;
* Read a raw 32-bit unsigned integer and return it.
readUint32(): number;
* Read a raw 64-bit unsigned integer and return it as an array [hi, lo] with two 32-bit unsigned integer entries.
readUint64(): [number, number];
* Read a JS number value.
readDouble(): number;
* Read raw bytes from the deserializers internal buffer.
* The length parameter must correspond to the length of the buffer that was passed to serializer.writeRawBytes().
readRawBytes(length: number): Buffer;
* A subclass of `Serializer` that serializes `TypedArray` (in particular `Buffer`) and `DataView` objects as host objects,
* and only stores the part of their underlying `ArrayBuffers` that they are referring to.
class DefaultDeserializer extends Deserializer {
* Uses a `DefaultSerializer` to serialize value into a buffer.
function serialize(value: any): Buffer;
* Uses a `DefaultDeserializer` with default options to read a JS value from a buffer.
function deserialize(data: NodeJS.TypedArray): any;