defmodule Home73k.Highlighter do @moduledoc """ Performs code highlighting. """ alias Home73k.Temp @pygments_cmd Home73k.app_pygmentize_bin() |> Path.expand() @doc """ Highlights all code block in an already generated HTML document. """ def highlight_code_blocks(html) do ~r/
    |> Regex.replace(html, &highlight_code_block(&1, &2, &3))

  defp highlight_code_block(_full_block, lang, code) do
    # unescape the code
    unescaped_code = unescape_html(code) |> IO.iodata_to_binary()

    # write code to temp file
    tmp_file = Temp.file()
    File.write!(tmp_file, unescaped_code)

    # pygmentize the code via temp file
    pyg_args = ["-l", lang, "-f", "html", "-O", "cssclass=pygments", tmp_file]
    {highlighted, _} = System.cmd(@pygments_cmd, pyg_args)

    # correct pygment wrapping markup
    |> String.replace("", "")
    |> String.replace("
", "
    |> String.replace("
", "
") end entities = [{"&", ?&}, {"<", ?<}, {">", ?>}, {""", ?"}, {"'", ?'}] for {encoded, decoded} <- entities do defp unescape_html(unquote(encoded) <> rest) do [unquote(decoded) | unescape_html(rest)] end end defp unescape_html(<>) do [c | unescape_html(rest)] end defp unescape_html(<<>>) do [] end end