import logging import requests import json from errbot import botcmd, BotPlugin class Doggo(BotPlugin): """Get random dog image URLs""" BASE_URL = '' breeds = {} @botcmd(split_args_with=' ') def doggo(self, msg, args): """ Retrieve a random dog image, optionally specifying a breed, and optionally a sub-breed """ url = '{}/breeds/image/random'.format(self.BASE_URL) if len(args) > 0 and args[0]: breed = args[0] if not self.breeds: args.append('calledbyfunction') self.reloadbreeds(msg, args) if breed in self.breeds.keys(): url = '{}/breed/{}/images/random'.format(self.BASE_URL, breed) else: return 'Breed not found: {}. List breeds with !listbreeds'.format(breed) # But what if user passed us a sub-breed? if len(args) > 1 and args[1]: subbreed = args[1] if len(self.breeds[breed]) == 0: if 'calledbyfunction' not in args: args.append('calledbyfunction') self.reloadsubbreeds(msg, args) if len(self.breeds[breed]) == 0: return 'No sub-breeds available for {}, so we cannot use {}.'.format(breed, subbreed) if subbreed in self.breeds[breed]: url = '{}/breed/{}/{}/images/random'.format(self.BASE_URL, breed, subbreed) else: return 'Sub-breed of {} not found: {}. List sub-breeds with !listsubbreeds'.format(breed, subbreed) try: resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: logging.debug(e) return 'Unable to return a dog image' return resp.json()['message'] @botcmd(split_args_with=' ') def listbreeds(self, msg, args): """ List available breeds for use in the random image retriever """ if not self.breeds: args.append('calledbyfunction') self.reloadbreeds(msg, args) if not self.breeds: return 'Unable to load breeds list' # Send the output to the user to prevent spamming the channel direct_to_user = self.build_identifier(str(msg.frm)) for breed in sorted(self.breeds.keys()): self.send(direct_to_user, breed) @botcmd(admin_only=True,split_args_with=' ') def reloadbreeds(self, msg, args): """ Reloads the list of breeds currently available """ url = '{}/breeds/list'.format(self.BASE_URL) try: resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: logging.debug(e) return 'Unable to load breeds list' data = resp.json()['message'] if not isinstance(data, list): return 'Unable to load breeds list' for breed in data: self.breeds[breed] = [] if 'calledbyfunction' not in args: # Tell user command was successful direct_to_user = self.build_identifier(str(msg.frm)) self.send(direct_to_user, "Breed list successfully loaded") @botcmd(split_args_with=' ') def listsubbreeds(self, msg, args): """ List available sub-breeds of a user-supplied breed for use in the random image retriever """ if len(args) > 0 and args[0]: breed = args[0] if not self.breeds: args.append('calledbyfunction') self.reloadbreeds(msg, args) if not self.breeds: return 'Unable to load sub-breeds list' if breed not in self.breeds.keys(): return 'Breed not found: {}. List breeds with !listbreeds'.format(breed) else: return 'Please tell me the breed for which you want sub-breeds, like: *!listsubbreeds terrier*' # Send the output to the user to prevent spamming the channel direct_to_user = self.build_identifier(str(msg.frm)) if len(self.breeds[breed]) == 0: args.append('calledbyfunction') self.reloadsubbreeds(msg, args) if len(self.breeds[breed]) == 0: return 'No sub-breeds available for {}.'.format(breed) for subbreed in sorted(self.breeds[breed]): self.send(direct_to_user, subbreed) @botcmd(admin_only=True, split_args_with=' ') def reloadsubbreeds(self, msg, args): """ Reloads the list of sub-breeds currently available for a given breed """ if len(args) > 0 and args[0]: breed = args[0] if not self.breeds: self.reloadbreeds(msg, args) if not self.breeds: return 'Unable to load breeds list' if breed in self.breeds.keys(): url = '{}/breed/{}/list'.format(self.BASE_URL, breed) else: return 'Breed not found: {}. List breeds with !listbreeds'.format(breed) else: return 'Please tell me the breed for which you want sub-breeds, like: *!reloadsubbreeds terrier*' try: resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: logging.debug(e) return 'Unable to load sub-breeds list' data = resp.json()['message'] if not isinstance(data, list): return 'Unable to load sub-breeds list' self.breeds[breed] = data if 'calledbyfunction' not in args: # Tell user command was successful direct_to_user = self.build_identifier(str(msg.frm)) self.send(direct_to_user, "Sub-breed list successfully loaded") @botcmd(split_args_with=' ') def listallbreeds(self, msg, args): """ List all breeds & sub-breeds for use in the random image retriever """ if not self.breeds: args.append('calledbyfunction') self.reloadbreeds(msg, args) if not self.breeds: return 'Unable to load breeds list' direct_to_user = self.build_identifier(str(msg.frm)) for breed in self.breeds: if len(self.breeds[breed]) == 0: args[0] = breed args[1] = 'calledbyfunction' self.reloadsubbreeds(msg, args) if len(self.breeds[breed]) == 0: self.send(direct_to_user, breed) else: for subbreed in self.breeds[breed]: self.send(direct_to_user, breed + " " + subbreed)