# Doggo This is a plugin for [Errbot](http://errbot.io/) that fetches random dog images from the [dog.ceo API](https://dog.ceo/dog-api/) Users can optionally specify a breed, and, also optionally, a sub-breed: ## - `!doggo` Fetches a random dog image - `!doggo ` fetches a random dog image of `` specified - `!doggo ` fetches a random dog image of `` & `` specified - `!listbreeds` DMs the user the available breeds for use in the random image retriever - `!listsubbreeds ` DMs the user the available sub-breeds for a given `` - `!listallbreeds` DMs the user the list of all available breeds & sub-breeds - `!reloadbreeds` Admin-only; forces reload of the breeds currently available - `!reloadsubbreeds ` Admin-only; forces reload of sub-breed for the given ``