defmodule RealEstateWeb.PropertyLiveTest do use RealEstateWeb.ConnCase import Phoenix.LiveViewTest import RealEstate.AccountsFixtures alias RealEstate.Properties @create_attrs %{description: "some description", name: "some name", price: "120.5"} @update_attrs %{ description: "some updated description", name: "some updated name", price: "456.7" } @invalid_attrs %{description: nil, name: nil, price: nil} defp fixture(:property, user) do create_attributes = Enum.into(%{user_id:}, @create_attrs) {:ok, property} = Properties.create_property(create_attributes) property end describe "Index" do setup %{conn: conn} do user = user_fixture() conn = log_in_user(conn, user) property = fixture(:property, user) property_from_another_user = fixture(:property, user_fixture()) %{ conn: conn, property: property, property_from_another_user: property_from_another_user, user: user } end test "lists all properties", %{conn: conn, property: property} do {:ok, _index_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert html =~ "Listing Properties" assert html =~ property.description end test "saves new property", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert index_live |> element("a", "New Property") |> render_click() =~ "New Property" assert_patch(index_live, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :new)) assert index_live |> form("#property-form", property: @invalid_attrs) |> render_change() =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _, html} = index_live |> form("#property-form", property: @create_attrs) |> render_submit() |> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert html =~ "Property created successfully" assert html =~ "some description" end test "updates property in listing", %{conn: conn, property: property} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert index_live |> element("#property-#{} a", "Edit") |> render_click() =~ "Edit Property" assert_patch(index_live, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :edit, property)) assert index_live |> form("#property-form", property: @invalid_attrs) |> render_change() =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _, html} = index_live |> form("#property-form", property: @update_attrs) |> render_submit() |> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert html =~ "Property updated successfully" assert html =~ "some updated description" end test "deletes property in listing", %{conn: conn, property: property} do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert index_live |> element("#property-#{} a", "Delete") |> render_click() refute has_element?(index_live, "#property-#{}") end test "can see property from from other user in listing", %{ conn: conn, property_from_another_user: property } do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert has_element?(index_live, "#property-#{}") end test "can't see edit action for property from other user in listing", %{ conn: conn, property_from_another_user: property } do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) refute has_element?(index_live, "#property-#{} a", "Edit") end test "as an admin, I can update property from other user in listing", %{ conn: conn, property_from_another_user: property } do conn = log_in_user(conn, admin_fixture()) {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert index_live |> element("#property-#{} a", "Edit") |> render_click() =~ "Edit Property" assert_patch(index_live, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :edit, property)) assert index_live |> form("#property-form", property: @invalid_attrs) |> render_change() =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _, html} = index_live |> form("#property-form", property: @update_attrs) |> render_submit() |> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert html =~ "Property updated successfully" assert html =~ "some updated description" end test "can't see delete action for property from other user in listing", %{ conn: conn, property_from_another_user: property } do {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) refute has_element?(index_live, "#property-#{} a", "Delete") end test "as an admin, I can delete property from others in listing", %{ conn: conn, property_from_another_user: property } do conn = log_in_user(conn, admin_fixture()) {:ok, index_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert index_live |> element("#property-#{} a", "Delete") |> render_click() refute has_element?(index_live, "#property-#{}") end test "can't edit property from other user in listing", %{ conn: conn, property_from_another_user: property } do assert {:error, {:redirect, %{to: "/"}}} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :edit, property)) end test "logs out when force logout on logged user", %{ conn: conn } do user = user_fixture() conn = conn |> log_in_user(user) {:ok, index_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert html =~ "Listing Properties" assert render(index_live) =~ "Listing Properties" RealEstate.Accounts.logout_user(user) # Assert our liveview process is down ref = Process.monitor( assert_receive {:DOWN, ^ref, _, _, _} refute Process.alive?( # Assert our liveview was redirected, following first to /users/force_logout, then to "/", and then to "/users/log_in" assert_redirect(index_live, "/users/force_logout") conn = get(conn, "/users/force_logout") assert "/" = redir_path = redirected_to(conn, 302) conn = get(recycle(conn), redir_path) assert "/users/log_in" = redir_path = redirected_to(conn, 302) conn = get(recycle(conn), redir_path) assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "You were logged out. Please login again to continue using our application." end test "doesn't log out when force logout on another user", %{ conn: conn } do user1 = user_fixture() user2 = user_fixture() conn = conn |> log_in_user(user2) {:ok, index_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.property_index_path(conn, :index)) assert html =~ "Listing Properties" assert render(index_live) =~ "Listing Properties" RealEstate.Accounts.logout_user(user1) # Assert our liveview is alive ref = Process.monitor( refute_receive {:DOWN, ^ref, _, _, _} assert Process.alive?( # If we are able to rerender the page it means nothing happened assert render(index_live) =~ "Listing Properties" end end describe "Show" do setup %{conn: conn} do user = user_fixture() conn = log_in_user(conn, user) property = fixture(:property, user) property_from_another_user = fixture(:property, user_fixture()) %{ conn: conn, property: property, property_from_another_user: property_from_another_user, user: user } end test "displays property", %{conn: conn, property: property} do {:ok, _show_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :show, property)) assert html =~ "Show Property" assert html =~ property.description end test "updates property within modal", %{conn: conn, property: property} do {:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :show, property)) assert show_live |> element("a", "Edit") |> render_click() =~ "Edit Property" assert_patch(show_live, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :edit, property)) assert show_live |> form("#property-form", property: @invalid_attrs) |> render_change() =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _, html} = show_live |> form("#property-form", property: @update_attrs) |> render_submit() |> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :show, property)) assert html =~ "Property updated successfully" assert html =~ "some updated description" end test "can't see edit action for property from another user in show page", %{ conn: conn, property_from_another_user: property } do {:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :show, property)) refute has_element?(show_live, "a", "Edit") end test "as an admin, can updates property from others within modal", %{ conn: conn, property_from_another_user: property } do conn = log_in_user(conn, admin_fixture()) {:ok, show_live, _html} = live(conn, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :show, property)) assert show_live |> element("a", "Edit") |> render_click() =~ "Edit Property" assert_patch(show_live, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :edit, property)) assert show_live |> form("#property-form", property: @invalid_attrs) |> render_change() =~ "can't be blank" {:ok, _, html} = show_live |> form("#property-form", property: @update_attrs) |> render_submit() |> follow_redirect(conn, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :show, property)) assert html =~ "Property updated successfully" assert html =~ "some updated description" end test "can't edit property from another user in show page", %{ conn: conn, property_from_another_user: property } do assert {:error, {:redirect, %{to: "/"}}} = live(conn, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :edit, property)) end test "logs out when force logout on logged user", %{conn: conn, property: property} do user = user_fixture() conn = conn |> log_in_user(user) {:ok, show_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :show, property)) assert html =~ "Show Property" assert html =~ property.description assert render(show_live) =~ property.description RealEstate.Accounts.logout_user(user) # Assert our liveview process is down ref = Process.monitor( assert_receive {:DOWN, ^ref, _, _, _} refute Process.alive?( # Assert our liveview was redirected, following first to /users/force_logout, then to "/", and then to "/users/log_in" assert_redirect(show_live, "/users/force_logout") conn = get(conn, "/users/force_logout") assert "/" = redir_path = redirected_to(conn, 302) conn = get(recycle(conn), redir_path) assert "/users/log_in" = redir_path = redirected_to(conn, 302) conn = get(recycle(conn), redir_path) assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "You were logged out. Please login again to continue using our application." end test "doesn't log out when force logout on another user", %{conn: conn, property: property} do user1 = user_fixture() user2 = user_fixture() conn = conn |> log_in_user(user2) {:ok, show_live, html} = live(conn, Routes.property_show_path(conn, :show, property)) assert html =~ "Show Property" assert html =~ property.description assert render(show_live) =~ property.description RealEstate.Accounts.logout_user(user1) # Assert our liveview is alive ref = Process.monitor( refute_receive {:DOWN, ^ref, _, _, _} assert Process.alive?( # If we are able to rerender the page it means nothing happened assert render(show_live) =~ property.description end end end